Zoology Links

Sciences > Zoology> Links

For more specific animal resources see Zoology: Animal Studies. Many zoological organizations also list specific online resources.

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University Libraries Information Gateway: By Subject - Zoology
"This page provides starting points for research in Zoology. Included are the major databases, catalogs and indexes as well as pertinent web sites."
Especially strong is their collection of Electronic Texts & Documents.
Some resources (Electronic Journals) are restricted.
By Nancy G. Blase, Natural Sciences Library, University of Washington

Zoological Record: Internet Resource Guide for Zoology
"The Resource Guide is biased towards sites of educational, scientific and academic interest, though others may be included if they contain information relating to the biology of 'exotic' animals. Particular emphasis is given to natural biology and systematics, and both living and fossil animals are covered. An overall guide to subject categories and an index to animal groups is included, together with a guide to conferences and index search of the entire site. Systematics and taxonomy related subject areas are given particular emphasis, and this section additionally includes some links to sites dealing with organism groups other than animals (plants, bacteria, fungi etc)."
BIOSIS and the Zoological Society of London

Continue on with:
Animal Diversity Web
:- The University of Michigan Museum of Zoology

Animal Health/Emerging Animal Disease (AHEAD)
"Policy research, analysis and education project to address global security issues impacted by outbreaks of animal and zoonotic diseases."
By Dorothy Preslar, Federation of American Scientists

Burke Museum Mammalogy Section
Focus on the mammals of Washington state.
"where you can explore the biodiversity of our Washington mammals. All species in the state are found below on our checklist, and you can click on each name for an account of its natural history, geographic distribution, and further information...Our mammal fauna is comprised of 148 species that belong to nine of the world's 26 orders of mammals. Of the 148 species, nine have been introduced, leaving 139 natives Thirty-two of the species are marine mammals, and we have 16 species of flying mammals, the bats. This leaves 91 species of land mammals."
Burke Museum of Natural History and Culture, University of Washington

Natural History Museum, London, England

Physiome Project
"...to understand and describe the human organism, its physiology and pathophysiology quantitatively, and to use this understanding to improve human health. Insight will be gained also from the physiomes of other organisms, from bacteria to mammals...The Project will provide information to the worldwide community of scientists, medical health professionals, teachers, and industry in the form of functional descriptions of human and other biological systems in health and disease."
Sections include: Physiome ; Organization ; Models ; Development ; Participate ; Industry ; Publications ; Conference ; Links ; News.

Pier: Zoology
University of Sussex

Underwater Times
The Daily Journal of Life In and Around Water
Sections include: News ; Stories ; Oceans ; Sharks ; Crocs/Gators ; Whales ; UW Animals ; SCUBA ; Polar ; Fish.

USDA - Animal Welfare Information Center
Sections include: Hot Topics ; Publications ; News ; Databases ; Gov & Legal Resources ; Alternatives & Lit Searches ; AWIC Bulletin ; Lab Animals ; Farm Animals ; Zoos, Circuses & Wildlife ; Companion Animals ; AWIC Workshops ; APHIAS Animal Care ; Links.

U.S. Geological Service

Web-Based Veterinary Anatomy Instruction
Links to instructional web site produced by Veterinary Anatomy faculty at the University of Minnesota.

Wildlife Health Information Partnership (WHIP)
"...is a collaborative project that gathers and disseminates information in the broad context of wildlife health, including the areas of disease and health management in free-ranging and captive wildlife, environmental toxicology, conservation biology, and zoonoses and public health."

Willo, the Dinosaur with a Heart
"This website is a project of the Center for the Exploration of the Dinosaurian World, now being planned as a collaborative research venture by the North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences and North Carolina State University, both in Raleigh, N.C. The website has been established to present information about the unique fossil, reported in the April 21, 2000 issue of the journal Science."

Zoology encyclopedia

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