Sociology Links

Social Sciences > Sociology> Links

Many Sociology Organizations list specific Internet resources.

Arab Social Science Research (ASSR)
Includes a listing of Research Centers and a Virtual Library that is indexed by Country, Resource, and Topic.
"The New Freedom Initiative's Online Resource for Americans with Disabilities"

MEDLINEplus: Domestic Violence
Health Information from the National Library of Medicine

Paranormal Sites
Michael Kearl, Dept. of Sociology & Anthropology, Trinity University

Resources for Methods in Evaluation and Social Research
"This page lists FREE resources for methods in evaluation and social research. The focus is on "how-to" do evaluation research and the methods used: surveys, focus groups, sampling, interviews, and other methods. Most of these links are to resources that can be read over the web. A few, like the GAO books, are for books that can be sent away for, for free (if you live in the US), as well as read over the web."
By Gene Shackman, Ph.D.

Social Change
Social, Economic and Political Change
"This site looks at long term, large scale changes in social, political and economic systems at the national and international levels. The principal aim is to present information that can be used to explain historical change, growth and development. For example: why did industrialization first occur in Europe; and what is globalization and how is it happening. This site presents links to sites with theories, approaches, data and research about the change process."
Categories include: Theory ; Data ; National Profiles ; History ; Research ; Organizations ; Links ; Bibliographies ; Software.
By Gene Shackman, Ph.D.

Social Movements and Culture
"This site provides a space for the study of social movements in the U.S., including those movements as linked to transnational and global movements. Our emphasis is on recent and contemporary movements, but we also aim to provide materials on earlier movements...The site currently consists of links to on-line articles, bibliographies, course syllabi, conferences, a glossary of terms for movement analysis, and sets of links to historically-oriented and contemporary sites categorized by movement type. A listserv on social movement cultures, as well as other interactive elements are planned for the future. We hope the site will prove useful to a variety of scholars, activists, and activist-scholars."
By T.V. Reed, American Studies Program, Washington State University

Social Policy Virtual Library
The International Social & Public Policy Research Information Gateway
" an information gateway providing access to a variety of web resources of interest to social policy researchers. Updated regularly, it provides links to sites of major organisations, libraries, research institutes, publications and journals as well as access to on-line databases and data sources, other information gateways, social policy mailing lists and discussion groups. It also provides information on research opportunities and funding and access to resources for teaching social policy and related subjects."
By Dr. Theodoros N. Papadopoulos, University of Bath

Sociological Tour Through Cyberspace
"I am most interested in the potential of this cyberspace medium to inform and to generate discourse, to truly be a "theater of ideas." This page features commentary, data analyses (hey, we've become a "factoid" culture), occasional essays, as well as the requisite links, put together for courses taught by myself and my colleagues.
Professor Michael Kearl's meta listing was one of the earliest sociology directories on the Internet and is still one of the best.

Sociology of Death and Dying
Kearl's Guide to Sociological Thanatology
A very well organized site including sections on Death in the Natural Order, Death Across Cultures and Time, Death's Impacts on Social Order, Bids for Symbolic Immortality and Longevity, and Death and Social Institutions.
Michael Kearl, Dept. of Sociology & Anthropology, Trinity University

Sociology Timeline and Sociology Calendar
From 1600-
By Ed Stephan, Western Washington University

Sociology Weblinks
Academic links from The University of Southern Indiana.
Maintained by Rhonda Priest

Online Degree Information

Have an insatiable itch to further your education whilst boosting your earning potential? Then an online degree is what you need. Scan through hundreds of online degree programs across various degree levels (associate, bachelors, master or doctorate).

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