Poetry Digital Library

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Digital Library > Poetry

British Poetry 1780-1910
A Hypertext Archive of Scholarly Editions
Electronic Text Center, Alderman Library, University of Virginia

Currents in Electronic Literacy
"...is an electronic journal for the scholarly discussion of issues pertaining to electronic literacy, widely construed. We seek to publish work addressing the use of electronic texts and technologies in reading, writing, teaching, and learning in fields including but not restricted to: literature (in English and in other languages), rhetoric and composition, languages (English, foreign, or ESL), communications, media studies, and education."

Electronic Literature Directory
"It provides an extensive database of listings for electronic works, their authors, and their publishers. The descriptive entries cover poetry, fiction, drama, and nonfiction that makes significant use of electronic techniques or enhancements...The Directory provides easy access to one of the most exciting and fastest-growing bodies of cutting-edge literature. Among the new forms of writing represented here are hypertexts and other interactive pieces, kinetic or animated poems, multimedia works, generated texts, and works that allow reader collaboration."

Golden Age Spanish Sonnets
"This is an ongoing project. Its primary purpose is to provide good verse translations of Golden Age Spanish sonnets to English-speaking readers. I hope that it may also serve to provide an online forum for the discussion of these works as well as a resource for anyone interested in delving further into the material...At this point I have 107 sonnets with translations posted. I have also included some links to other web sites."
By Alix Ingber, Prof. of Spanish, Sweet Briar College

Internet Poetry Archive
"The University of North Carolina Press joins the UNC Office of Information Technology in publishing the Internet Poetry Archive. The archive will make available over a worldwide computer network selected poems from a number of contemporary poets. The goal of the project is to make poetry accessible to new audiences (at little or no cost) and to give teachers and students of poetry new ways of presenting and studying these poets and their texts...Using the newest capabilities of the Internet to present sound and graphics as well as text, the archive entry for each poet comprises audio clips of the poet reading several poems, the poet's comments on the works, a photograph of the poet and any other graphics that would help a reader understand the poem (e.g., a map or illustration of a particular place mentioned in the poem), texts of the poems, a critical biography of the poet prepared by a scholar familiar with the poet's work, and a short bibliography. Poems are presented in their original languages, as well as in English translation."

Iraq Culture Nights - Poetry
"Iraq Culture Nights go beyond politics to honor Iraq's rich cultural traditions and history. Culture Nights express the need to see an Iraq beyond bad news and headlines. To listen to the Iraqi people, to embrace Iraq's rich culture and history, and to have hope to work for a better future - free from tyranny, war and occupation."
- Education for Peace in Iraq Center

Kelly Writers House
Includes live and archived webcasts of contemporary poets.
Department of English, University of Pennsylvania

Modern American Poetry
A Multimedia Companion to Anthology of Modern American Poetry (Oxford University Press, 2000), edited by Cary Nelson

Tudor Poems : An On-line Anthology
"The purpose of this site is to make available modern-spelling editions of Tudor poems that are not usually anthologized. The poems were written between 1485 and 1603, most of them in the reigns of Henry VIII and Elizabeth I. Each poem page includes a modernized text, a brief introduction, and footnotes."
By Dr. James D. Clark, Associate Professor of English, Miami University, Ohio

World Poetry Directory
"This website brings you lists of festivals, prizes, journals, and associations of the world of poetry. It also provides links with major web sites, presenting poetry activities in UNESCO Member States, Association Members and Non-member States."
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)

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