Mental Health Digital Library - Electronic Publications

"Bibliographic database containing citations for nearly 9 million biomedical articles from the National Library of Medicine's MEDLINE and pre-MEDLINE databases"

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Archive (SAMHDA)
"The goal of the archive is to provide ready access to substance abuse and mental health research data and to promote the sharing of these data among researchers, academics, policymakers, service providers, and others, thereby increasing the use of the data in understanding and assessing substance abuse and mental health problems and the impact of related treatment systems."

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Health & Medicine > Mental Health> Digital Library

> Mental Health

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Behavioral & Brain Science Preprint Archive
" an international, interdisciplinary journal of "open peer commentary," published by Cambridge University Press, with its editorial offices in Southampton UK and New York NY. BBS publishes important and controversial interdisciplinary "target articles" in psychology, neuroscience, behavioral biology, cognitive science, artificial intelligence, linguistics and philosophy. Articles are rigorously refereed and, if accepted, are circulated to a large number of potential commentators around the world in the various specialties on which the article impinges. Their 1000-word commentaries are then co-published with the target article as well as the author's response to each. The commentaries consist of analyses, elaborations, complementary and supplementary data and theory, criticisms and cross-specialty syntheses."

Mental Health Terms Glossary
"This Glossary is a compilation from expert sources, and practical personal experience. It is formatted to permit quick and easy referral. It should be understood that these definitions do reflect my biases (based on my doctoral education in Clinical Psychology, and my personal experience within the USA mental health care system)."

NLM Gateway Search
"The NLM Gateway allows users to search in multiple retrieval systems at the U.S. National Library of Medicine (NLM). The current Gateway searches MEDLINE/PubMed, OLDMEDLINE, LOCATORplus, AIDS Meetings, Health Services Research Meetings, HSRProj, MEDLINEplus and DIRLINE."
National Library of Medicine

Neuroscience Tutorial
"An illustrated guide to the essential basics of clinical neuroscience created in conjunction with the first-year course for medical students."
The Washington University School of Medicine

Online Degree Information

Turn your passing interest and hobby into an academic qualification by earning an online degree today. Search through our array of selected accredited schools and universities. You can also sift through available degree programs according to specific subjects and degree levels (e.g. associate, bachelor, master, doctorate)

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