Jewish Links

Religion > Jewish Studies> Links

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The Jewish History Resource Center
A well organized and extensive collection of academic resources. A selection of the units include Databases; Biblical History; Syllabi; Libraries - Archives; American Jewish History; Grants & Fellowships; Basic Readings; and much more.
The Dinur Center for Research in Jewish History, Hebrew University of Jerusalem

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Academic Jewish Studies on the Internet
"This network is one of the oldest Internet projects in the humanities, initially operating under the name Judaica/He'Asif, starting in February 1989, operating out of Tel Aviv University. In 1991, the network moved to the University of Minnesota, and in 1993 it became part of the H-Net Consortium in collaboration with the Shamash Project."

Conversion to Judaism
"The Conversion to Judaism Home Page is the web site of the Conversion to Judaism Resource Center. The Center provides information and advice to people who are considering converting to Judaism and to those who have converted."
By Lawrence J. Epstein

Foundation for the Advancement of Sephardic Studies
Sections include: Exploring Our Heritage ; Judeo-Spanish (Ladino) [Speak Ladino in an Audio Chat] ; Publications ; History ; Biographies.

H-Judaic Home Page
Jewish Studies Online

Jewish Interactive Studies
"Structured Jewish Learning for Jewish Adults"
"JIS is a free adult educational service to the Jewish community via the Internet. We offer in-depth and interactive study of Judaism from its classical sources. Courses cover Jewish ethics, foundations of Judaism, Jewish holidays, and Torah studies. Since 1998, almost 2000 adults have participated in twelve courses."

Jewish Learning Index
"Project Genesis promotes further Jewish education about our Jewish roots, as represented in Jewish sources. Project Genesis believes that this is the best way to restore self-respect, self-confidence, and an interest in our own continuity, among modern Jewish collegiates and unaffiliated Jews worldwide. Project Genesis works to establish a strong Jewish identity, expand Jewish knowledge, and encourage its participants to become more involved with Judaism and the Jewish community."
Study sections include: Torah Portion ; Jewish Law ; Ethics ; Texts ; Seasons ; Features ; Jewish Basics.

Jewish Studies Internet Resources
" an on-going compilation of electronic bibliographic resources and research materials on Jewish Studies (in the broadest sense) available on the global Internet, created under the purview of the Middle East & Jewish Studies Department of Columbia University Libraries. These electronic resources are organized primarily by subject. All materials are arranged to encourage an awareness of authorship, type of information, and subject. The scope of the collection is research-oriented, but it also provides access to other gopher and web sites with different or broader missions."

A Gateway to Jewish Literature, Culture & Ideas.
"Nextbook is a national initiative to promote Jewish cultural literacy in new and innovative ways. Nextbook believes that Jewish culture underlies, overlaps with and can illuminate many facets of American culture."

PBS - NOVA - Lost Tribes of Israel
"Welcome to the companion Web site to 'Lost Tribes of Israel,' originally broadcast on February 22, 2000. The program follows anthropologist Tudor Parfitt's riveting journey to find both the lost city of the Lemba and the truth behind their claim to an ancient Jewish heritage."
Sections include: Where are the Ten Lost Tribes? ; Tudor Parfitt's Remarkable Journey ; Mystery of Great Zimbabwe ; Build a Family Tree ; Resources ; Transcript.

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