
Humanities > Religion > Islam

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PBS - America at a Crossroads
Companion website to the April 2007 series.
" a major public television event premiering on PBS in April 2007 that explores the challenges confronting the post-9/11 world ó including the war on terrorism; the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan; the experience of American troops serving abroad; the struggle for balance within the Muslim world; and global perspectives on Americaís role overseas."
Films include: JIHAD: The Men and Ideas behind Al Qaeda ; Warriors ; Operation Homecoming: Writing the Wartime Experience ; Gangs of Iraq ; The Case for War: In Defense of Freedom ; Europe's 9/11 ; The Muslim Americans ; Faith Without Fear ; Struggle for the Soul of Islam: Inside Indonesia ; Security versus Liberty: The Other War ; The Brotherhood.

National Public Radio (NPR) - The Partisans of Ali: A History of Shia Faith and Politics
Audio and Text of the February 2007 NPR series.
"The United States is immersed more deeply than ever in the Muslim world's sectarian divide. A five-part series explores the split between Shia and Sunnis, from its origins shortly after the death of Muhammed in the seventh century to the modern-day upheaval in Iraq."
In This Series: : The Origins of the Shia-Sunni Split ; Shi Rise Amid Century of Mideast Turmoil ; Export of Iran's Revolution Spawns Violence ; Iraq War Deepens Sunni-Shia Divide ; Shia-Sunni Conflict Forces U.S. Shift in Iraq ; Profiles: Key Individuals in the Shia-Sunni Divide ; Chronology: A History of the Shia-Sunni Split ; One Thousand Years of Shiite History ; Suggested Reading.

Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

Imam Yahya Hendi
Muslim Chaplain, Georgetown University
Sections include: Articles ; Links ; Photo Gallery ; News.

  • Fatwas
    Islamic Law has consistently condemned terrorism.
    "The Fiqh Council of North America (FCNA) reaffirms Islam's condemnation of terrorism and religious extremism by issuing this fatwa, or formal religious ruling."

PBS - Religion & Ethics NewsWeekly
An Online Companion to the Weekly Television News Program

  • The Hajj
    Watch the December 29, 2006 report online.
  • Shia/Sunni Conflict
    "Sunnis and Shiites have not always been openly hostile. In many parts of the world they live together peacefully. Indeed, they used to get along so well in Iraq, the sectarian violence that erupted there last year took many by surprise. Lucky Severson talked with an influential and prominent Middle East scholar about the history of Sunni-Shiite rivalry, why it is now tearing Iraq apart, and what the prospects are for controlling it."
    Watch the September 29, 2006 report online.

Foreign Affairs
- Published by the Council on Foreign Relations

  • When the Shiites Rise
    "Summary: By toppling Saddam Hussein, the Bush administration has liberated and empowered Iraq's Shiite majority and has helped launch a broad Shiite revival that will upset the sectarian balance in Iraq and the Middle East for years to come. This development is rattling some Sunni Arab governments, but for Washington, it could be a chance to build bridges with the region's Shiites, especially in Iran."
    By Vali Nasr, July/August 2006

Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) - (dead link)
"CAIR was established to promote a positive image of Islam and Muslims in America. We believe misrepresentations of Islam are most often the result of ignorance on the part of non-Muslims and reluctance on the part of Muslims to articulate their case."

  • National and Worldwide Muslim Condemnation of Terrorism
    "The following document is a compilation of condemnations of the September 11 attacks. The articles, press releases and news clippings represent a sample of worldwide Muslim condemnation of these attacks and of terrorism in general. Most of the documents contain only excerpts of these condemnations. A document containing the full text of these condemnations would be much longer.

American Public Media - Speaking of Faith

  • Muslim Women and Other Misunderstandings
    "Is there such a thing as the Muslim world? Is the 'veil' a sign of submission or courage? Is our Western concern about women in Islam really a concern for the well-being of women? Our guest, Egyptian-American Leila Ahmed, challenges current thought on these and other questions."
    Listen to the audio or read the transcript to the December 7, 2006 radio broadcast.
  • Hearing Muslim Voices Since 9/11 (September 2006)
    "Dramatic headlines convey a predominantly violent picture of global Islam. But, during the past five years, Muslim guests on Step back with us and hear these voices from the traditional and evolving center of Islam."

Maintained by Mike Madin, a graduate of the Univ. of Washington Comparative Religion program.
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