Iraq Links

Iraq Studies - Links

See also ;

Iraq Government Home Page (Arabic or English)
Sections include: Prime Minister Office ; Iraqi Government Program ; Press Releases ; Ministries Activities ; Embassies & D. Delegation ; Path of Democracy ; Mass Media News ; Articles ; Articles ; Iraqi Constitution ; Saddam's Trial ; Iraqi Gov Websites.

U.S. Embassy Baghdad, Iraq
Sections include: News ; Links ; U.S. Policy & Issues.

Coalition Provisional Authority
"Due to the dissolution of the CPA, this site for the CPA-Iraq Coalition will no longer be updated. It will remain available for historical purposes, only. Current information for the new sovereign Iraq may be found on the U.S. Embassy-Iraq Web site."

Global Policy Forum (GPF)
"We monitor global policy making at the United Nations"
"On the site, GPF has dozens of Publications on global policy issues, as well as thousands of pages of documents and data. The site is designed to be used by the general public as well as by students and specialists. GPF also provides many interviews to print and broadcast media and we respond to hundreds of inquiries from students and citizens."
Sections include: Financing for Development ; Sanctions ; Global Taxes ; Globalization ; Iraq Crisis ; Secretary General ; Tables and Charts ; International Justice.

Iraq Action Coalition (IAC)
" an online media and activists' resource center for groups and activists who are working to end the war against the people of Iraq."

Iraq Memory Foundation (Arabic or English)
"The Iraq Memory Foundation staff both in Baghdad and Washington are engaged in a long-term effort to provide Iraqi society and the world a view of the inner workings of the Ba'thist institutions of repression and social control that dominated all aspects of Iraqi life between 1968 and 2003. The Foundation is preserving, digitizing, classifying and beginning to analyze more than 11 million pages of records in its holdings."

MADRE - Iraq
An International Women's Human Rights Organization
"The Organization of Women's Freedom in Iraq (OWFI) is fighting for women's human rights in an Iraq torn apart by US military occupation and rising Islamic fundamentalism. OWFI calls for an immediate end to US military occupation and the establishment of a free and secular state in Iraq."

Muslims, Islam, and Iraq
"The focus of this webpage, unlike most websites dealing with Iraq (which focus on the political aspects of the war), is to inform the public in a scholarly manner both about Islam and Muslims in Iraq, as well as about the relationship of the war in Iraq to Islam and Muslims, including Shi'ites, Kurdish Sunnis, and Arab Sunnis."
Maintained by Alan Godlas, Associate Professor of Religion, University of Georgia

The War on Terrorism: Saddam Hussein and Iraq
Sections include: News and Commentary ; Government Documents ; Political Background and Analysis ; Military and Strategic Issues ; Weapons of Mass Destruction ; Impact of Sanctions.
By David Durant, Joyner Library, East Carolina University

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