Iraq Government

Iraq Government Home Page (Arabic or English)
Sections include: Prime Minister Office ; Iraqi Government Program ; Press Releases ; Ministries Activities ; Embassies & D. Delegation ; Path of Democracy ; Mass Media News ; Articles ; Articles ; Iraqi Constitution ; Saddam's Trial ; Iraqi Gov Websites.

Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG)
Sections include: About KRG ; Cabinet ; Profiles ; Parliament ; KRG Worldwide ; KRG News.

Education for Peace in Iraq Center (EPIC)
"The Education for Peace in Iraq Center promotes freedom, security, and genuine democracy for the people of Iraq."

The Iraq Foundation
" a non-profit, non-partisan, non-governmental organization working for democracy and human rights in Iraq, and for a better international understanding of Iraq's potential as a contributor to political stability and economic progress in the Middle East."
Projects include: Human Rights Defenders Network ; Iraq's Pledge ; Iraq Constitution Assistance Project (ICAP) ; Iraq Democracy Watch (IDW) ; Human Rights Education ; Iraqi American National Network ; Eden Again.

International Compact with Iraq (English or Arabic)
"The International Compact is an initiative of the Government of Iraq for a new partnership with the international community. Its purpose is to achieve a National Vision for Iraq which aims to consolidate peace and pursue political, economic and social development over the next five years."
Sections include: News ; Preparatory Group ; Speeches / Reports ; Online Library ; Photo Gallery ; Links.

IRFFI - International Reconstruction Fund Facility for Iraq
"To ensure swift, flexible, and coordinated donor financing for priority investments in Iraq, the World Bank and the United Nations have created the International Reconstruction Fund Facility for Iraq. The Facility helps donors channel their resources to the Iraq reconstruction effort."

Iraq Development Program (IDP)
"The core aspect of the Iraq Development Program is to enable Iraqi businesspeople to benefit from direct relations with the rest of the world. The initiative looks to promote the role of Iraqi companies and the partnering opportunities available that will ensure the necessary transfer of technology from the developed world into Iraq."

See Also

U.S. Embassy Baghdad, Iraq
Sections include: News ; Links ; U.S. Policy & Issues.

Coalition Provisional Authority
"Due to the dissolution of the CPA, this site for the CPA-Iraq Coalition will no longer be updated. It will remain available for historical purposes, only. Current information for the new sovereign Iraq may be found on the U.S.

Committee on Oversight and Government Reform - Iraq Reconstruction
Rep. Waxman and other members of Congress have been seeking information on contracts entered into by the Administration for reconstruction and development work in Iraq, including several billion dollar contracts with a subsidiary of Halliburton Corporation. Many questions have been raised about the Iraq contracting process, including questions on the seemingly inflated prices charged by Halliburton to import gasoline from Kuwait into Iraq and Halliburton's admission of kickbacks to company officials."

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