Metadata Resources

Lib & Info Science > Metadata

See also Cataloging Resources ; Internet Studies ; Computer Science

Core Metadata Elements
"Identification of a core set of metadata elements to be used in the development, testing, and implementation of multiple repositories."
Library of Congress Digital Repository Development

Instructional Management Systems Project (IMS) Metadata
Developing a specification and software for managing online learning resources

An Introduction to Metadata
By Chris Taylor, Manager, Information Access and Delivery Service, University of Queensland Library

Library of Congress Standards
"Several of the following are key standards used in the information community that are maintained by the Library of Congress. Their Web pages supply information on their maintenance and use. Other links below connect to information on the Library's collection of standards and key standards-settings organizations."

  • Metadata Object Description Schema (MODS)
    "As an XML schema, the "Metadata Object Description Schema" (MODS) is intended to be able to carry selected data from existing MARC 21 records as well as to enable the creation of original resource description records."

Metadatabase Research: Enterprise Integration and Modeling
Describes an on-going international research effort on developing new information technologies for distributed and global enterprises, includes the use of CASE tool suite, brief bio-sketches of the researchers and their publications

Online Degree Information

Earn a degree online through an accredited online college or university. Search by subject or degree level (e.g. associate, bachelor, master or doctoral) to find the top online schools offering the best degree programs and courses. Request information about your preferred education options and learn about the benefits of distance learning and online education.

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