World War I

Social Sciences > History > World War I

Table of Contents
General Resources (below)
Digital Library
Russian History - WWI
Organizations & Museums

Additional Sites of Interest

European History
Modern America
World War II

Links and General Resources

The Association 1914-1918
"The goal of the association is to provide a better knowledge of WW1 for everyone interested in this period, not only the French aspect of the war, but also the other ones : German, British, American, Russian, Austrian, Italian, Japanese and others."
In English or French

The Balkan Causes of World War I
From Twenty-Five Lectures on Modern Balkan History by Steven W. Sowards, Michigan State University

British Library Online Newspaper Archive
The Online Facsimile Library
Archives Newspapers, Magazines, Books, and Documents and can be searched for Ads, Articles, and Pictures.
"...the world's first online archive of microfilmed historic newspapers.
Newspaper issues from seven British dailies such as the Daily News, the
Weekly Dispatch, and the Manchester Guardian have been selected due to
their historic significance. They report an events like the Crimean War
ending with the Treaty of Paris, the Boer War, and the armistice ending
World War I...A digital archive of newspaper issues containing some 500,000 articles..." [description from press release]

The Canadian Great War Homepage
Canada's Role in World War 1
From the Canadian Military Heritage Project

Die Darstellbarkeit des Krieges im Museum
The Presentation of War in Museums - Conference

Ernst Jünger in Cyberspace
"A comprehensive and unofficial site dealing with the life and work of the German author Ernst J¸nger (1895-1998). Includes extensive biographical and bibliographical information as well as critical contributions from a variety of sources. Also includes extensive background material dealing with the First World War."

The First World War
From The Spartacus Internet Encyclopedia - British History 1700-1950.

First World
A Multimedia History of World War One
Sections include: The Causes of World War I ; Gallipoli: An Over ; Air Aces of World War I ; Backs to the Wall ; Propaganda Posters ; Life in the Trenches ; Charles Nungesser ; Chemical Weapons ; Tank Development ; T.E. Lawrence ; Photographs ; Archive Audio ; Treaties ; Weaponry.
By Michael Duffy

La Grande Guerra: The Italian Front, 1915-1918
From The Great War Society

Internet Public Library - Pathfinder: World War One History - (dead link)
"This pathfinder was created to help Internet users find reliable information about the First World War for either personal knowledge or formal research. Both print and Internet sources are covered."

Newfoundland and the Great War
"Based on glass plate images located in and provided by the Provincial Archives of Newfoundland and Labrador in St. Johnís, supplemented with images from elsewhere, this site provides an introduction to what was experienced by the people of Newfoundland and Labrador during the Great War. The main sections deal with the home front, Newfoundlandís participation in the war, and the commemoration of the war after 1918."
- Memorial University of Newfoundland

PBS - NOVA - Who Killed the Red Baron?
"Forensic experts investigate the most famous aviation mystery of World War I."
Sections include: Articles [Inside the Baron's Mind ; Americans Against the Baron] ; Overview & Slide Show ; Resources ; Teacher's Guide

PBS - The Great War and the Shaping of the 20th Century
Sections include: Highlight ; Interviews ; Interactive Timeline ; Maps & Locations. Includes images from the Imperial War Museum of London.

Research Resources for World War I
Description of print resources available at the Tulane University Manuscripts Department

War and War-Era Movies
Sections include: US Civil War ; World War I ; Spanish Civil War ; World War II ; Korean War ; Vietnamese War ; World War III.
- UC Berkeley - Media Resources Center

University of Oxford - Virtual Seminars for Teaching Literature - World War I Poetry
[see our World War I Digital Library for the online seminars]

World War I: Trenches on the Web
"The trenches are set up in such a way as to allow you to explore the "The Great War" at your own pace and in your own manner. If you don't know where to start then the Reference Library is a good bet. It is a complete catalog of everything out here."

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