Irish History Digital Library

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Digital Library > History > Europe > Irish History

Archives of the Office of Public Works
The National Archives of Ireland

Archives of the Ordinance Survey of Ireland
"...containing searchable lists of records and documents produced in the 19th century and including an index of parish names."
The National Archives of Ireland

Authors on the Web - Irish Author Roundtable (March 2002)
"In our AuthorsOnTheWeb IRISH ROUNDTABLE Liam Clancy, Eoin Colfer, Marita Conlon-McKenna, M·ire B. de Paor, Maureen Dezell, Emma Donoghue, Randy Lee Eickhoff, Andrew M. Greeley, Mary E. Lyons, Morgan Llywelyn, Regina McBride, Malachy McCourt, Jamie O'Neill, Martin Roper, and Niall Williams discuss what role their heritage has played in their writing, and their feelings on the humor, melancholy, and mysticism of the Gaelic soul."

British and Irish Legal Information Institute
"...provides access to the most comprehensive free and up-to-date collection of British and Irish primary legal materials on the internet. As at 14 May 2000, BAILII includes 17 databases covering 5 jurisdictions. The system contains around one gigabyte of legal materials and well over 100,000 searchable documents with about 2.5 million hypertext links."

British Library Newspaper Library

  • Newspaper Library Web Catalogue
    "...includes entries for over 50,000 newspaper and periodical titles from all over the world, dating from the 17th to the 21st century. The collections of the British Library Newspaper Library include: all UK national daily and Sunday newspapers from 1801 to the present; most UK and Irish provincial newspapers, some from the early 18th century onwards; selected newspapers from around the world in western and Slavonic languages, including extensive holdings from Commonwealth countries; and a wide range of UK and Irish popular periodicals, mainly weekly and fortnightly publications as well as some published less frequently, covering all subjects from fashion, pop music, and cinema, to sports, hobbies, and trades."

CAIN (Conflict Archive on the INternet)
The Northern Ireland Conflict (1968 to the Present)

  • Eamon Melaugh Photography
    portfolios include: Images of Derry ; British Army ; The IRA ; Protest ; Parade ; Riots ; Bloody Sunday ; Children and the Conflict.

The Online Resource for Irish History, Literature and Politics
"CELT, the Corpus of Electronic Texts, brings the wealth of Irish literary and historical culture to the Internet, for the use and benefit of everyone worldwide. It has a searchable online database consisting of contemporary and historical topics from many areas, including literature and the other arts."
University College, Cork

COPAC Home Page
University Research Library Catalogue
"...provides FREE access to the merged online catalogues of 21 of the largest university research libraries in the UK and Ireland.."

Corpus of Electronic Texts (CELT)
"The online resource for contemporary and historical Irish documents in literature, history and politics."
University College Cork

Department of the Taoisearch
and Government Information Service

The DiCamillo Companion To British & Irish Country Houses
"The Database is updated daily and currently lists over 6,900 houses, with images for over 850 houses. This undertaking will compile as many details as can be found about the houses, families who occupied them, and their estates, in a standardized format. The project will take many years to complete, but I believe that the Database is already a major resource, and the only comprehensive one online, for thumbnail information on these magnificent houses."
By Curt DiCamillo

e-Keltoi: Journal of Interdisciplinary Celtic Studies
"...The journal is an integral part of the Center's mission to promote and disseminate research and communication related to Celtic cultures, past and present, in the academic arena as well as for the general public... The journal will provide free access to cutting-edge, peer-reviewed articles solicited to address specific themes from a range of cross-disciplinary and international perspectives."
Published by the University of Wisconsin Center for Celtic Studies

Princes Grace Irish Library (Monaco) Electronic Irish Records Dataset
"An A-Z reference guide to 4,380 Irish writers in all historical periods ; A complete list of Irish-subject publications since 1990 ; An up-to-date Bulletin of Irish Conferences & Cultural Events ... and much, much more."

EuroDocs: Primary Historical Documents From Western Europe
"The following links connect to Western European (mainly primary) historical documents that are transcribed, reproduced in facsimile, or translated. They shed light on key historical happenings within the respective countries (and within the broadest sense of political, economic, social and cultural history)."
By Richard Hacken, European Studies Bibliographer, Harold B. Lee Library, Brigham Young University

Hidden Truths: Bloody Sunday 1972
"...probes one of the great tragedies of recent Irish-Anglo history, the shooting of Irish civil rights protestors by British soldiers in Derry, Northern Ireland on Sunday, January 30, 1972...this powerful exhibition address both the incident itself as well as the role of photography as witness within our culture."

History Ireland Magazine
Selected feature articles are available online.
Additional sections include: Resources ; Book Reviews ; News & Shorts ; Conferences ; Local History.

Internet Modern History Sourcebook
"Like the long-established Internet Medieval Sourcebook, this project is intended to serve the needs of teachers and students in college survey courses in modern European history or modern Western Civilization."
Paul Halsall, Fordham University

Irish Literature, Mythology, Folklore, and Drama
In addition to online texts also includes History, Language, and Periodicals.
By Anniina Jokinen

Irish Penal Laws
Laws in Ireland for the Suppression of Popery
"The purpose of this site is not to discuss the historical context of the Penal Laws or their enforcement, or their effect, but simply to make the raw material accessible to historians, legal scholars, students, and other interested people...On this site you will find the text of those Penal Laws which were passed in Ireland during the reigns of William and Mary, William III, Anne, and George I and II, that is to say, from 1691 to 1760. In addition, the site contains certain English statutes relating to the status of Irish Catholics."
By M. Patricia Schaffer, JD Columbia University Law School

The Path to Peace - (dead link) "History of Northern Ireland peace process and ongoing negotiations from Ireland."
Special from the Irish Times

Literary Resources on the Net
"This set of pages is a collection of links to sites on the Internet dealing especially with English and American literature, excluding single electronic texts, and is limited to collections of information useful to academics."

National Archives of Ireland

  • Archival Links on the Internet
  • Online Resources
    " includes databases which are searched using keywords (eg. records of Government Departments), and lists, in the case of the National School records, which can be searched alphabetically by county. Research guides - comprising guides to sources, guides to official records and published articles on records held in the National Archives - which provide additional contextual information about the records and which can be used in tandem with the searchable online resources, are also featured below."

National School Roll Books and Registers
Searchable by county
The National Archives of Ireland

Royal Historical Society Bibliography
"The Royal Historical Society bibliography, which is hosted by the Institute of Historical Research, is an authoritative guide to writing on British and Irish history from the Roman period to the present day...It contains over 300,000 entries including articles in journals and collective volumes, and including data from London's Past Online."

Transportation Records
Online records of convicts sent from Ireland to Australia between 1788 and 1748
The National Archives of Ireland

Academic Discussion Lists

Early-Medieval-Ireland (EMI)
" a moderated forum for the discussion of topics relating to the history and archaeology of Early Medieval Ireland, c.400AD - c.1200AD."

The H-Net Discussion Network for British & Irish History
"...a member of the initiative. H-Albion encourages scholarly discussion of British and Irish history and makes available diverse bibliographical, research, and teaching aids."

Academic Info. All rights reserved.

Online Degree Information

Have an insatiable itch to further your education whilst boosting your earning potential? Then an online degree is what you need. Scan through hundreds of online degree programs across various degree levels (associate, bachelors, master or doctorate).

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