Helping Promote Strategies For Sustainable Development: Environmental Management Degree

Do you care about the environment and would like to turn your passion into a career? People are becoming more aware about the importance of taking care of the planet and its resources, which makes environmental management a great field to study. Since it is also a broad degree, it means that there are numerous and varied positions within the field where you can find employment. Completing this type of degree will enable you to embark on a career that is not only personally fulfilling, but also important to the world. Environmental management is also important for any business that want to reduce their impact on the environment without compromising their efficiency. This means that your degree can even be useful for positions within the business world, making it more versatile than other types of degrees with a narrower focus.

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Environmental Management Degree Information

Bachelor of Arts in Environmental Management

The bachelor of Arts in Environmental Management is a degree program that is aimed at students who aspire to entry-level positions in the field of environmental management. The completion time for this degree is about three years when done full time. Subjects typically included in this degree are anthropology, geography, environmental economics, research in social sciences, environmental education, ecotourism and environmental philosophy.

Master of Environmental Management

Students who want to broaden their understanding of environmental management and aspire to higher level positions in the field can benefit from a Master of Environmental Management degree. The focus of this degree is the complex relationships that exist amongst science, policy and management. It is designed to provide students with the scientific understanding of social as well as ecological systems. This knowledge can then be applied in a management or policy context within the industry. This type of course also enables students to choose the type of specialization within environmental management that they are interested in. These can include environmental policy analysis, industrial ecology and green design, ecosystem conservation and management as well as many others. Obtaining this type of degree usually takes about a year of done full time or two years if done part time.

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Environmental Management Degree FAQ

Can This Type of Degree Be Earned Online?

Although certain elements of an environmental management degree require campus attendance, there are also courses available that are fully online. These include diploma and certificate level programs, such as the environmental health and safety certification and environmental management certificate. Degrees, such as the Bachelor of Science in Environmental Management are available entirely online, while certain classes are offered in a hybrid format. Some online courses even offer the opportunity to use the software tools related to environmental economics, geographic information systems and other areas related to environmental management. To take part in an online course you typically only need a computer with a stable connection. Studying online also provides you with the flexibility to perform your studies when and where you have the opportunity to do so. This makes it ideal for students who already have work obligations that prevent them from attending a campus or who live in areas that are not close to campus locations. 

Who Is An Ideal Candidate To Study Environmental Management?

Studying and working in the field of environmental management is obviously ideal for students who have a passion for the environment. It can also be beneficial to students who have already studied applied science or applied social science and would like to broaden their studies in sustainability and the environment. Since many careers in this field requires you to convey complex environmental regulations to people within an organization, it is a field where good communication skills is essential. Confidence is also important along with the ability to inspire other people as you might have to take the lead on projects when required. Finally, good time management and organization skills are also very beneficial.

What Type of Career Options Are Available In This Field 

Environmental management is such a broad area of study that it can lead to numerous career paths. Some of the more popular career options include environmental analyst, resource manager, environmental consultant, hazardous waste planner, conservation scientist, and land conservation specialist. Continued studies can also open up even more avenues for employment. Since government agencies, agricultural producers and consulting companies are also involved in maintaining a sustainable environment, they also typically offer employment opportunities for people with the right qualifications. In addition, there are also numerous not-for-profit organizations where employment options might be available.

What Responsibilities Does A Job In Environmental Management Have?

When working in the field of environmental management you will typically be in charge of overseeing that natural resources are used in a responsible manner by organizations and businesses. The purpose is to ensure that commerce can occur without any detrimental effects on the planet and people. The job also often involves having to not only determine what environmental issues need to be addressed, but also coming up with the plans for solutions to any problems.

What Type of Salary Can I Potentially Earn When Employed In This Industry

Because environmental management is such a broad field, there are many career paths that can be followed after completing your studies, each with their own earning potential. For example, according to the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, environmental scientists and specialists earned about $71,360 per year as of 2019. They also estimate that employment in this occupation will grow by 11 percent until 2024 due to the increased demands that population growth places on the environment.

What Are The Other Benefits To Studying Environmental Management?

Environmental management is one of the few career paths where you can not only earn a good income, but help the environment as well. This makes it a very fulfilling area to work in, especially if you are really passionate about the environment. More and more industries are also going “green” which makes it a sought-after degree. Since the continually growing population of the planet is also placing a bigger strain on the environment, is is a degree that will stay relevant and useful in the future.

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