Victorian Literature Resources - English Literature

English Studies> English Literature > Victorian

History > British History > Victorian Era > Literature

The Literary Gothic
The Premier Webguide to Gothic & Horror Lit Written Prior to 1950
" a Web guide to all things concerned with literary Gothicism, which includes ghost stories, "classic" Gothic novels and Gothic fiction (1764-1820), and related pre- and post-Gothic and supernaturalist literature written prior to the mid-C20.
By Jack G. Voller, Associate Professor of English, Southern Illinois University

Nineteenth Century Children's Literature
A bibliographic database of the the British Library's Children's Collection. The collection holds 2,369 titles on 5,527 fiches.
Edited by J. Barr

Victoria Research Web
"...dedicated to the scholarly study of the nineteenth century in Britain, and to aiding researchers, teachers, and students in their investigations of any and all aspects of this fascinating period."
Includes a collection of syllabi and a listing of discussion groups

Victorian Web
" the WWW translation of Brown University's Context 61, which serves as a resource for courses in Victorian literature."
An extensive collection of resources on Victorianism

The Victorian Canon - (dead link)
"...this site is devoted to exploring the problems of taste and aesthetics with regard to the Victorian canon and the literary canon as a whole."
Jennifer Jones and Rita Raley, UC Santa Barbara

The Victorian Society in America

Victorian Women Writers Project
"The works, selected with the assistance of the Advisory Board, will include anthologies, novels, political pamphlets, religious tracts, children's books, and volumes of poetry and verse drama. Considerable attention will be given to the accuracy and completeness of the texts, and to accurate bibliographical descriptions of them.
Perry Willett, General Editor, Indiana University

The BrontÎs
The BrontÎ Archives
Popular treatment

BrontÎ Parsonage Museum

Lewis Carroll

Lewis Carroll Home Page
Sections include Carroll's Genius, Carroll Studies, Communication and Fun Stuff
A good academic site but also includes a selection of K-12 resources.

Charles Dickens (1812-1870) - Charles Dickens
Sections include: Works ; Writings About Dickens

The Dickens Project - (dead link)
"The Project creates opportunities for collaborative research on Dickens and the Victorian age, and disseminates research findings through annual conferences, institutes, and publications. It supports the professional development of graduate students and produces curricular material for teaching Victorian literature at both secondary and post-secondary levels."
Multi-campus Research Unit (MRU) of the University of California

David Perdue's Charles Dickens Page
"Fun and educational romp through the world of The Inimitable Boz"
This well designed and extensive personal webpage is one of the better author sites on the Web.

The Dickens Electronic Archive - (dead link)
Includes Resources for Teaching and Study

Great Books Index - Charles Dickens
Includes: Writings of Charles Dickens ; Links to Information About Charles Dickens.

Sherlock Holmes

Meta-page for the meta-detective. Includes a useful Books and Libraries section.
Maintained by Chris Redmond

Thomas Hardy

Thomas Hardy Society of North America
Go to their Links section for an extensive collection of reviewed Hardy resources

Thomas Hardy Resource Library
Includes audio files, maps, and reviews of film versions of his novels and more
Maintained by Mark Simons


The Rossetti Hypermedia Archive
"When completed, the project as a whole will provide students and scholars with access to all of DGR's original works, pictorial as well as textual. These original materials are gathered into the Archive along with a large corpus of contextual materials, most drawn from the period when DGR's work first appeared and established its reputation (approximately 1848-1920) ... Among those secondary materials is a set of important contemporary documents..."
Edited by Jerome McGann


The Tennyson Page

H.G. Wells

[Works of] H.G. Wells
"(Herbert George Wells), 1746ñ1946, English author. Although he is probably best remembered for his works of science fiction, he was also an imaginative social thinker, working assiduously to remove all vestiges of Victorian social, moral, and religious attitudes from 20th-century life."
Online editions by

Oscar Wilde

Oscar Wilde Sites on the World-Wide Web

Reading Wilde, Querying Spaces
An Exhibition Commemorating the 100th Anniversary of the Trials of Oscar Wilde
"Drawing on the extensive holdings of first editions, autograph letters, photographs, periodicals, and ephemera from the Fales Collection of English and American Fiction, graduate students in the Victorian Studies Group at New York University trace the powerful impact of Oscar Wilde in the aesthetic, political, spiritual, and moral circles of late-Victorian England. The books and manuscripts analyzed, interpreted, and displayed are the textual fossil remains of the culture of Oscar Wilde's transgressions and containment--the footsteps of the chameleon."
Bobst University, New York University

Charlotte Mary Yonge (1823-1901)

Charlotte Mary Yonge Fellowship
"This website is intended as a focus for information on the life and works of the Victorian novelist and writer Charlotte Mary Yonge (1823ñ1901)...Much of this website relates to her works, bringing together publication details, plot summaries, reviews, links to texts in all forms, general articles and bibliographic material. We also link to a range of other Victorian, literary and artistic sites."

Maintained by Mike Madin.
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