English Literature - Modern Literature

Directory of Online Resources for the Study of English Literature - Modern Literature

English Studies> English Literature > Modern

See also

Voice of the Shuttle: English Literature -- Modern
Alan Liu, Dept. of English, Univ. of California, Santa Barbara

Figures of Speech
Web page for English 3045E: Studies in Early Modern Literature
By Prof. Grant Williams, Nipissing University, Ontario, Canada

Jazz Age Culture
Sections include: The Flapper Era ; The Harlem Renaissance ; Jazz Age Miscellaneous ; Modernist & Harlem Art ; The Lost Generation ; More Modernist Writers.
By Kathleen L. Nichols, Prof. of English, Pittsburg State University

Literary History
"...seeks to collect critical or explanatory web writings about American and British literature that will be of value for graduate students, scholars, teachers, college students, high school students, and other intrepid readers of literature. We specialize in critical articles and we index only free articles. We currently index articles on 41 major nineteenth century British authors and 142 twentieth century British and American authors."
By Jan Pridmore

Literary Resources -- Twentieth-Century British and Irish
Jack Lynch, Rutgers University

Lost Poets of the Great War
Harry Rusche, English Dept., Emory University

Modern Fiction Studies
A scholarly journal of modern and contemporary narrative, theory, and culture.
Some issues are available online

The Modern World
"...the Web's largest site devoted to exploring twentieth-century experimental literature! ... is a large network of sites developed to explore twentieth century writers who have pushed the envelope of traditional narrative and structure. This includes many writers associated with Modernism, surrealism, "magical realism," and postmodernism."
Was called The Libyrinth from 1995 through May 2000.

Virtual Seminars for Teaching Literature
The tutorials are based on primary documents and original poems relating the experience of World War I.
Major sections include: The Seminars ; The Wilfred Owen Multimedia Digital Archive ; Publications of the War [Includes a complete run of The Hydra]; First World War Poetry Discussion Board.
By Paul Groves and Stuar Lee, JTAP Virtual Seminars Project, Oxford University.

Samuel Beckett
The Samuel Beckett Endpage
Maintained by Porter Abbott and Benjamin Strong of the English Department at the University of California, Santa Barbara

Samuel Beckett On-Line Resources and Links Page
Sections include: Papers on Beckett (including many from The New York Times) ; Other Sites and Pages on Beckett.

Samuel Beckett on Film

Journal of Beckett Studies (JOBS)
Indices of the New Series (1992- ) and full-text of the Old Series (1976-1989)

Nobel Prize Internet Archive - Samuel Beckett
Winner of the 1969 Nobel Prize in Literature
Individual site by Ona Wu

John Maxwell Coetzee

The Nobel Prize in Literature 2003 - John Maxwell Coetzee
Official Web Site of The Nobel Foundation

BBC News - Book Double for Coetzee (October 1999)
"Novelist J M Coetzee has won the Booker Prize for Fiction, [for Disgrace] becoming the first writer to win the UK's top literary award twice."
Includes an audio extract from Disgrace.

TS Eliot
Exploring "The Waste Land"
"Part of the difficulty in understanding The Waste Land is due to Eliot's use of allusion. By taking the view that allusion is actually a different form of hyperlinking I have translated The Waste Land into a hyperlinked presentation. I have also used hyperlinks to allow ease in cross-referencing the various lines of the poem...The Exploring The Waste Land site consists of two sub-sites. One is a traditional non-framed site that consists of one window where following a link will cause the window display a new page of to show information. It is not an alternative to the framed sub-site, it presents different information. The second sub-site uses framed windows and hyperlinks to let you easily branch from one line of the poem to another. There are two frames which are always displayed and never change. One displays the full poem while another is provided for you to get help. In the other two frames or windows you can view definitions, translations, Eliot's notes, some of the original draft of the poem, some of the text that Eliot alludes to and my commentary. There are many pages allowing quick cross references (e.g., where are churches mentioned?) Instructions and hints are included (or will eventually be.) These can be accessed through the help frame"
By Richard A. Parker

The Waste Land
Recording of Eliot's own reading of this poem

What the Thunder Said
Includes Timeline, Works, Resources, and Etcetera

James Joyce

IQ Infinity: The Unknown James Joyce
"This site has tons of text, on over 150 pages. Almost all of those pages are linked directly from this 'map' page, starting with the general interest material, and working down to the more specialized areas on James Joyce and AI."
Maintained by Jorn Barger

Ulysses for Dummies
An amusing parody - if nothing else read the litigation replies

D.H. Lawrence
Bartleby.com - D.H. Lawrence
Includes a biography and two collections of verse (Amores and New Poems).

The University of Nottingham Library Manuscripts and Special Collections - The D.H. Lawrence Collection
Guide to their collection and to collections held elsewhere. The site also has biographical, and bibliographical information as well as a nice selection of Lawrence links

C.S. Lewis

C.S. Lewis: 20th-Century Christian Knight
One of the best general collection of links on Lewis.
Compiled by Dave Armstrong

WWW Resources for English and American Literature
A very nice general survey of links
Indiana University Bloomington Libraries

V.S. Naipaul

V.S. Naipaul
Nobel Prize for Literature 2001

Dylan Thomas
Dylan Thomas
Sections includes Primary Texts ; Biography ; General Interest

John Ronald Reuel Tolkien (1892-1973)

One Ring: The Complete Guide to Tolkien Online
Sections include: Academic ; Bibliography ; Biography ; Communication ; Fan Pages ; History ; Image Galleries ; Linguistics ; Literature ; Media ; Movies ; Music ; Organizations ; Conferences ; Related Sites.

Concordances to the Novels of Virginia Woolf
Available for purchase from UMI

International Virginia Woolf Society
"...is devoted to encouraging and facilitating the scholarly study of, critical attention to, and general interest in, the work and career of Virginia Woolf, and to facilitate ways in which all people interested in her writings--scholars, critics, teachers, students, and common readers--may learn from one another, meet together, contact each other, and help one another."

Mrs. Dalloway's London
Includes a nice map, guide, itinerary, and additional Woolf resources

Virginia Woolf on Women and Fiction
"This is an ongoing distance learning project originally developed in the Summer of 1997 during a classroom course presented by Joel Rich in the University of Chicago Graham School of General Studies, Basic Program of Liberal Education for Adults. It has been maintained and extended since that time as a vehicle for ongoing examination and discussion of the subject of Virginia Woolf on Women and Fiction. Participation as a distance learning student is free and open to all who are interested ."
Virginia Woolf Distance Learning Project

Virginia Woolf's Orlando: The Book as Critic
"A paper presented to The Fifth Annual Virginia Woolf Conference at Otterbein College, June 18, 1995."
By Kelly Tetterton

William Butler Yeats (1745-1939)

Bartleby.com - William Butler Yeats
"The greatest lyric poet Ireland has produced and one of the major figures of 20th-century literature..."
Sections include: Works ; Anthologized Verse.

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