High School Teaching Resources

Education > Teaching Resources >High School

West Point - Combating Terrorism Center
"...the Center has been actively involved in supporting the Global War on Terror through education, research, and policy analysis."

Aolescent Directory On-line (ADOL)
"...an electronic guide to information on adolescent issues. It is a service of the Center for Adolescent Studies at Indiana University. Educators, counselors, parents, researchers, health practitioners, and teens can use ADOL to find Web resources..."

"In preparation for a conversation among middle school and high school teachers and principals, we posted this question on the Middle-L middle grades listserv: 'When high school people criticize middle schools for failing to adequately prepare students to succeed academically in 9th grade, how do you react? Is this legitimate criticism? What should principals and teachers from both sides be doing to better insure a successful transition?'"

"The purpose of EDSITEment is to offer a gateway for teachers, students, and parents searching for high-quality material on the Internet in the subject areas of literature and language arts, foreign languages, art and culture, and history and social studies."

Education Index
"...an annotated guide to the best education related sites on the Web. They're sorted by subject and lifestage..."

Evolution and the Nature of Science Institutes (ENSI)
"The main objective of ENSI is to improve the teaching of evolution in High School Biology courses by encouraging teachers to teach evolutionary thinking in the context of a more complete understanding of modern scientific thinking (see Nickels et al article on this site)."
Lesson plans include: Nature of Science Lessons ; Evolution Lessons ; Origin of Life Lessons.

Historians Against the War
Statement: "We historians call for a halt to the march towards war against Iraq. We are deeply concerned about the needless destruction of human life, the undermining of constitutional government in the U.S., the egregious curtailment of civil liberties and human rights at home and abroad, and the obstruction of world peace for the indefinite future."

Justice Learning
"...is an innovative, issue-based approach for engaging high school students in informed political discourse. The web site uses audio from the Justice Talking radio show and articles from The New York Times to teach students about reasoned debate and the often-conflicting values inherent in our democracy. The web site includes articles, editorials and oral debate from the nation's finest journalists and advocates."
- A Collaboration of NPR's Justice Talking and The New York Times Learning Network.

MidLink Magazine
The Digital Magazine for Kids - By Kids from 8 to 18.

National Institutes of Health - Office of Science Education (OSE)
"...coordinates science education activities at the NIH and develops and sponsors science education projects in house. These programs serve elementary, secondary, and college students and teachers and the public."

NSTA Webwatchers' Science Guides
"Lists of pre-selected web sites to hep YOU teach key subjects."
Sections include: K-4 Science Guides ; 5-8 Science Guides ; 9-12 Science Guides.
- National Science Teachers Association

Online Poetry Classroom
"...combines poetry, pedagogy, and technology with the belief that poetry is an essential part of America's heritage and a vital tool in helping students comprehend and articulate human experience...Designed to enhance poetry education on a national level, OPC employs technology to encourage the development of new poetry curricula and teaching strategies by high school English and Language Arts teachers."
- A Program of The Academy of American Poets

Purdue University's Online Writing Lab (OWL)
"...offers online handouts covering writing, research, grammar, and MLA and APA style."

  • The Writing Lab Newsletter
    "...is a forum for exchanging ideas and information about writing centers in high schools, colleges, and universities."

Online Degree Information

Do you want to improve your earning potential and further your career? Learn about earning an online degree through an an accredited online college or campus-based university. Browse through hundreds of subjects to find your desired degree program or online course - or start by choosing your degree level (e.g. associate, bachelor, master or doctoral).

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