Bringing Organization And Structure To The Criminal Justice Field: Criminal Justice Administration

Are you passionate about crime prevention and would like to ensure that justice is dispensed fairly in the courts? Would you like a career in law enforcement where you get to handle the leadership and management side of things? If this sounds like you, then you could benefit from a criminal justice administration degree. It is also a very useful degree if you are already working in the field of criminal justice and would like to sharpen your administrative skills to open up new career opportunities. Administrative support is not only an important component of law enforcement, but all agencies that deal with criminal justice. With a degree in criminal justice administration you can create a solid foundation for your career and give yourself greater flexibility in terms of the direction you want to take it.

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Criminal Justice Administration Degree Information

Associate in Science in Criminal Justice Administration

The Associate in Science in Criminal Justice Administration is a two-year program that integrates both sociology and psychology. This type of degree can generally be completed either at a campus or fully online. In addition to basic studies, this degree may also include courses such as Introduction to Criminal Justice Administration, Police in a Democratic Society, Corrections and Penology, Ethics and Morality in Criminal Justice as well as Judicial Process. Students can also choose from courses such as Criminal Law, Criminal Procedures, Management of Criminal Justice Agencies, Laws of Criminal Evidence and more.

Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice Administration Degree

The Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice Administration is a degree program that typically requires 120 credits for completion and which can be completed online or at a campus. The core courses for this type of degree may include Ethics in Criminal Justice, Cultural Diversity in Criminal Justice, Criminal Law, Juvenile Justice and Processes, Grant Writing, Interagency Communication, Criminal Justice Policy Analysis & Program Evaluation as well as Budget, Finance, and Planning. In addition, a Criminal Justice Administration Capstone is usually required to complete your degree.

Master of Science in Criminal Justice Administration Degree

The Master of Science in Criminal Justice Administration is a post-baccalaureate degree that may take up to three years to complete. Major requirements for this degree may include Computer Applications for Criminal Justice Administration, Critical Analysis of Criminal Justice Administration, Juvenile Justice Administration and Delinquency, Research Methods in Criminal Justice Administration, Constitutional Law for Criminal Justice and more.

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Criminal Justice Administration Degree FAQ

Is It Possible To Study For A Criminal Justice Administration Degree Online?

While there are campus based courses available for criminal justice administration degrees, it is also possible to earn this degree entirely online. This provides students who do not live near a campus or who have other obligations, such as work, to complete the degree when and where it is convenient for them. Usually online programs are not only more affordable than traditional classes, but also means less time wasted on commuting. In addition, completing an online degree offers a great way to increase your career prospects without having to give up your job.

Who Is An Ideal Candidate To Study Criminal Justice Administration?

In addition to being passionate about the field of criminal justice, it is also important that you have good organization skills. Dealing with the administrative aspects of the criminal justice system can be very complicated, which means that you need to pay attention to ensure that everything goes smoothly. Good communication skills are also vital as well as the ability to not only listen, but understand what is expected from you at all times. You should be able to handle stress and pressure well as many administrators in the criminal justice system are also in positions of leadership. As with all jobs in administration, it is important that you are able to keep certain information confidential and have a very high standard of ethics. Finally, a good understanding of the law is vital for this line of work.

What Type of Career Options Might Be Available With A Criminal Justice Administration Degree?

A criminal justice administration degree can help to prepare you for leadership and administrative career paths in a number of different fields. In addition to the field of law enforcement, it is also a useful degree for anyone who is interested in court administration. This means that in addition to working as police officers, people with a criminal justice administration degree can often also choose to work as paralegals, court administrators or other related jobs in this field. Public safety, border patrol, emergency planning, investigations and corrections and other career fields may all be open to students with a criminal justice administration degree. The type of degree you have earned will also impact your career possibilities. For example, those with an associate’s degree may qualify for entry-level administrative jobs while a bachelor’s degree may open up more advanced positions and a master’s degree could lead to supervisory or management positions. In general, your experience, level of education and interesting will determine what type of career options is available to you.

How Much Can I Potentially Earn After Completing A Criminal Justice Administration Degree?

Since a degree in criminal justice administration can lead to a variety of different jobs, your potential income can also vary greatly depending on what path you choose. For example, the median annual wage for police and detectives was $65,600 as of 2019 according to the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics. On the other hand, administrative service managers earned a median annual wage of $96,940 during the same period. There can be a huge difference between the potential salaries for occupations in this field, so be sure to get the best type of degree for the specific career that you are interested in pursuing.

What Type of Responsibilities Might I Have When Working In This Field?

Because criminal justice administration is such a general field, the type of duties that you might have could vary dramatically depending on your chosen career path. In general, your job may involve supervising other people, overseeing the agency where you work or assisting with the creation of crime prevention policies. This means that instead of patrolling the streets or working directly with victims of crime, your job might be skewed more towards delegating and organizing staff, planning budgets, communicating with decision-makers in other agencies and handling emergencies.

What Are The Other Advantages To Studying Criminal Justice Administration?

If it is your desire to have a positive impact on the world around you, then completing a criminal justice administration degree and working in this field can be immensely rewarding. A criminal justice administration degree is also great if you want to work in the field of criminal justice, but you don’t necessarily want to pursue a career that requires you to interact directly with victims of crimes or criminals.

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