Christianity Links

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Links and General Resources

Catholic Social Thought
A wonderful collection of Catholic resources, including Online Catholic Periodicals, The Bible, Information on the Catholic Church and Specific Ethical Issues such Abortion, Women in the Church, Birth Control and others.
Joseph M. Incandela, Dept. of Religion, Saint Mary's College

Catholic Online 'On the Web' Index
"Seeks to provide Internet users with resources and connections to sites and information which are truly Catholic. In doing so, we are guided by the time honored principle that in all those things which must be embraced with Catholic faith we must have unity, in those things which are doubtful or open to discussion we must have liberty, while in all things we must foster and manifest true Christian charity. Thus, Catholic Online will endeavor to provide truly Catholic sites and information consistent with the aforementioned principles, always making choices of content under the guidance of the teaching of the Church's duly appointed pastors and in harmony with the Magisterium, the Supreme Pontiff together with the bishops, the Church's legislation and time-honored traditions, the dictates of common sense and intellectual honesty."

Christian Research Institute
"...exists to provide Christians worldwide with carefully researched information and well-reasoned answers that encourage them in their faith and equip them to intelligently represent it to people influenced by ideas and teachings that assault or undermine orthodox, biblical Christianity."

The Hall of Church History
Not your normal history page. Sections on Church Fathers, Medieval Churchmen, Heretics, Eastern Orthodox, Catholics, Reformers, Puritans, Anabaptist, Armenians, Cultists, Unorthodox, Baptists, and recent Stalwarts
Phil Johnson, Curator

The Labyrinth Resources for Medieval Studies
"The Labyrinth is a global information network providing free, organized access to electronic resources in medieval studies through a World Wide Web server at Georgetown University. The Labyrinth's easy-to-use menus and hypertext links provide automatic connections to databases, services, and electronic texts on other servers around the world. In addition, the Labyrinth will include a full range of new resources: an electronic library, on-line forums, professional directories and news, on-line bibliographies, an on-line "university" of teachers and scholars available for electronic conferencing, and an archive of pedagogical tools."
By Martin Irvine and Deborah Everhart, Co-Directors, Georgetown University

Lift Up Your Hearts - Links to Worship and Liturgy Scholars
"The following selected sites offer material of interest to scholars and students of worship and liturgy. The collection of links emphasizes contemporary scholarship and ecumenical wisdom in matters related to worship and liturgy."
Sections include: Institutes ; Associations ; Rites & Texts ; General Resources ; Booksellers ; Publishers.
By André Lavergne and Wendell Grahlman Holy Cross

Theology Library
Over 8,000 links.

Additional Christianity in the U.S. Resources on Academic Info.

Online Degree Information

Short on time, but big on career aspirations? Then earning an online degree is what you need. Getting a degree online is time and cost effective, whilst presenting you with the option to choose your discipline according to the degree level (e.g associate, bachelor, master, doctorate) or subject of your choice.

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