Six Unconventional Degrees Available Fully Online

Published on: January 02, 2025

The world of online education is rapidly evolving, which leads to more and more degrees becoming available that once required in-person interaction or even specialized facilities. Online degrees have also opened up the doors for a growing array of unusual programs that cater to either niche interests or emerging industries. For students who are not interested in the usual degrees, such as business, computer science, or education the following unconventional online degrees might be more appealing.

Extreme Weather MSc

Students interested in the weather, but who want to focus on extreme climate and weather can opt for the Extreme Weather degree, which is available as an online program. This degree teaches students how to predict, assess, and respond to the challenges faced by the ever-changing phenomenon of extreme weather. It is designed to help students strengthen their ability to provide informed, scientific engagement while also improving public awareness of weather and climate hazards. Completing the degree provides students with a greater understanding of the individual impacts of new, unprecedented, extreme events on human-induced climate change. In addition, they will be able to assess the impact of rapidly increasing costs due to disasters. Core modules for this degree include Extreme Weather, Understanding Sustainability Discourses, and Water Resources in Changing Climate. The degree also features optional modules, such as Net Zero Society, Climate and Marine Resource Modelling, and Renewable Energy Technologies. The entry requirements for the Extreme Weather degree are an honors degree or an ordinary degree in a relevant subject and a postgraduate diploma or professional qualification in a relevant subject.  

Master of Science in Digital Currency and Applied Blockchain Technology

Students interested in understanding the potential implications and applications of digital currency and blockchain technologies can benefit from the Master of Science in Digital Currency and Applied Blockchain Technology degree. In addition to honing their skills in distributed ledger technology, this degree also provides a practical understanding of macro-economic trends, cybersecurity, politics, and geopolitics related to blockchain and cryptocurrencies. After learning the basic foundation of blockchain theory and technology students will then master specialized skills such as the application of this technology in the world of business, finance, and sustainable systems development. A capstone project is also required after completing the 11 courses that make up the 36-credit program. This degree is not just aimed at future blockchain and crypto analysts, but any professionals looking to understand the technology.

People-Centered Artificial Intelligence MSc

Artificial intelligence degrees are not uncommon, but the MSc People-Centered Artificial Intelligence program teaches students technical expertise in machine learning tools along with the societal, ethical, and legislative aspects of AI. It is a cutting-edge course filled with everything needed for a successful career in AI but prioritizes the well-being of individuals and society, which is something lacking from most similar courses. The program consists of 11 modules and 180 credits that cover a unique blend of technical expertise and social understanding. Students completing the course will gain experience with deep neural networks, transformers, diffusion models, deep reinforcement learning, and much more.   

Acoustics MSc

A postgraduate MSc Acoustics degree is available for students interested in helping to build a better-sounding world. This degree features specialist knowledge aimed at students interested in careers as future leaders in audio product development, noise consultancy, sound innovation, or sound management. The focus of this acoustics program is on the technologies and principles associated with industrial applications. Students will gain detailed knowledge, systematic understanding, and critical analysis of acoustic concepts. They will then be able to apply these concepts to practical problems or engineering design and analysis. In addition, students can shape their learning based on their interests or career plans by choosing from options such as psychoacoustics, environmental noise measurement, immersive sound reproduction, and noise and vibration control.      

Ancient Worlds MSc

Students interested in exploring the human past, from early prehistory to late antiquity will enjoy the MSc in Ancient Worlds. It was developed specifically for students who wish to further their study in Archeology, Classics, or a combination of both. This online MSc offers one compulsory course of 20 credits, five option courses that total 100 credits, and a research dissertation of 60 credits. The compulsory course is Research Skills for Archeology and Classics while the option courses range from Roman Sculpture, Conflict Archeology and the Human Past, and Herod the Great and the End of Hellenism, to Running the Roman Empire, The Athenian Akropolis, The Jewish Diaspora in the Roman Empire and more. The degree is great for preparing students for either career paths in academic research or various roles in the heritage, travel, or tourism sectors.

MA in Digital Cultures

We are living in a digital age, so the MA in Digital Cultures is a valuable degree for students interested in the impact of digital advances on culture, power, and identity in society. Completing this degree also equips students with the knowledge of what the moral, ethical, social, cultural, political, and economic implications of digital technology are on humanity. Students are taught how digital tools can be used to capture useful social and cultural data sources in digital form and how these tools can be used to address research questions. Modules include Getting Started with Graduate Research and Generic Skills, Digital Humanities Institute, and Communities of Practice in Digital Scholarship. Elective modules range from Teaching and Learning in Digital Humanities, and Contemporary Practices in Publishing and Editing to Principles of Game Design and History and Theory of Digital Arts.


Online degrees are not only convenient but can provide students with access to unusual and niche fields that might otherwise have been unavailable in their area. The degrees listed in this article are just a small example of what is available online for students looking for something a little more unconventional from their studies.

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