What is Academic Misconduct In Online Learning & How Can It Be Addressed?

Published on: September 15, 2024

While it is easier than ever before to pursue an online education, the same rules still apply regarding academic integrity and conduct. Students who are found to be in breach of the rules or code and contact of the learning institution, even when studying online, can face serious consequences or penalties. Therefore, it is very important to familiarize yourself with what is expected from you as well as the rules and regulations.

What Is Academic Misconduct?

Although most students associate academic misconduct with the act of cheating or plagiarism, there is actually more to it. In most cases, it is defined as any activity that carries the risk of compromising the academic integrity of the learning institution or subverting the educational process in any way. All reputable online colleges and universities view academic misconduct as a very serious issue, and blaming lack of awareness or misunderstanding as a reason for misconduct is generally not accepted. 

Types of Academic Misconduct:

Cheating: Cheating is one of the most common forms of academic conduct and involves using unauthorized materials or help to complete exams or assessments. It can also involve contract cheating, whereby students pay a third party to complete exams or assignments on their behalf.

Plagiarism: Plagiarism involves using someone else's work, words, or ideas and passing it off as your own without proper attribution.  

Fabrication: Fabrication can be done intentionally by inventing the data, sources, or citations needed to complete an academic assignment. It can also happen when using sources such as ChatGPT for assignments without verifying the accuracy of the data. 

What Are The Primary Reasons For Academic Misconduct?

One of the most common breaches of proper academic conduct is cheating, and there are several reasons for that. The most common reason is a fear of failure and anxiousness about performance. This is followed by factors such as an inability to meet deadlines or, in some cases, having easy access to the means to cheat. The proliferation of technology tools has made it easier than ever for students to cheat. With the rise of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in particular, it is very easy for students to compromise their academic integrity, underscoring the need for vigilance. Unlike traditional classrooms, there is a lack of physical oversight when studying online, which can tempt some students into academic misconduct. Finally, students can feel a lot of pressure to succeed, especially when juggling other commitments while studying online. This can lead to cheating if they feel like they are at risk of failing in their studies. 

What Are The Repercussions of Academic Misconduct Online?

Academic misconduct has far-reaching implications not only for students who are caught but also for the online educational community in general. For students, penalties can range from failing grades to suspension or even dismissal from their university. Students who get away with cheating may also find themselves struggling in the workplace as they have not earned their credentials fairly and might lack the knowledge and skills required for their field. Studies have also shown that students who cheat can struggle in the long term with feelings of guilt and suffering from low self-esteem, which can impact all areas of their life.  

What Are Done By Online Academic Institutions To Combat Misconduct?

Awareness: Online learning institutions tend to provide students with very clear guidelines about what is acceptable and what is considered academic misconduct. These guidelines also tend to stress the importance of adhering to the rules and regulations and the consequences of failing to do so. Some online institutions provide students with online tutorials on academic integrity and provide virtual workshops on the topic. 

Support: Online learning institutions know that students can struggle to cope with their courses, which can lead to academic misconduct. One way to reduce the pressure is by providing students with ample support systems that can be used when needed, from tutoring and counseling to other resources that can help with time management and more. 

Technology: Just as technology can make cheating easier for students, academic institutions can also leverage it online to combat misconduct. These learning institutions can use tools such as online plagiarism services, secure exam platforms, and proctoring software to make it harder for dishonest students to get away with cheating. 

Consistency: Academic integrity policies should not only be clearly stipulated but also enforced with consistency and transparency. Doing so clarifies that academic misconduct is taken very seriously and will not be tolerated. 


Academic misconduct is as old as education itself, and there is no way to stamp it out completely. However, it is in the best interest of both students and institutions to ensure that academic standards are upheld. This is not just a responsibility but a duty, especially for online degrees, as failure to do so can damage the credibility of these degrees compared to traditional degree programs. While students may enjoy some short-term benefits from engaging in academic misconduct, it is not worth the long-term issues that can be caused.

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