The Best Degrees For Working In The Entertainment Industry

Published on: October 22, 2023

As stated in the Irving Berlin song, there’s no business like show business, and for many, it is a dream to work in the entertainment industry. This industry has played an important role in society for many years and even has the power to shape the beliefs or opinions of the masses. However, there’s more to the entertainment industry than just the glitz and glamor of actors, actresses, and musicians. To keep everything running smoothly there’s also a myriad of other jobs that need to be done by qualified professionals. While these jobs are not always in the limelight they are just as important and offer a great opportunity for people who prefer working behind the scenes. Here are some of the best degree options for those who want to work in the entertainment industry in any capacity.

Bachelor of Arts in Theatre

Students with a passion for acting or a love for the theatre can benefit from a Bachelor of Arts in Theatre degree. This degree is typically available with different concentrations such as performance, musical theatre, set design, lighting design and technology, projection design and technology, sound design and technology, or costume design and technology. The degree covers different aspects of theatre, including the theory and practice of acting and directing, stage management, storytelling, and much more. Since this degree provides students with a well-rounded education it can prepare them for careers in theatre as well as other related creative endeavors such as film.

Bachelor of Arts in Public Relations

The entertainment industry provides plenty of opportunities for public relations specialists, which makes a Bachelor of Arts in Public Relations degree worthwhile. It can prepare students for careers in public relations, such as public relations account managers, media relations specialists, social media managers, content managers, and more. Some degree programs also offer students the opportunity to pursue minors in related fields, such as advertising analytics, or leadership. The entertainment industry is all about visibility and many turn to public relations experts for favorable publicity.

Bachelor of Music in Music Business/Management

Music is an integral part of the entertainment industry and offers plenty of opportunities for musicians. A Bachelor of Music in Music Business/Management is one of the most versatile degrees for musicians who want to learn the fundamentals of business within the music industry. It does so from a musician’s perspective and teaches students all about the legal as well as artistic, financial, and ethical issues they can expect as professionals in the industry. In addition to core courses such as Legal Aspects in the Music Business, Principles of Financial Account, and Business Leadership and Ethics, students can also select from different tracks. These include Management, Marketing, and Entrepreneurial, depending on where their interests in the entertainment industry lie.

Bachelor of Arts in Business

The entertainment industry is still a business and as such a Bachelor of Arts in Business degree with a concentration in business administration is very useful. Since the degree has an emphasis on general management skills it can be applied to a variety of sectors within the entertainment industry. It can also be used as a stepping stone for students who go on to complete a Master of Business Administration degree in Media and Entertainment. In addition, the Bachelor of Arts in Business degree is versatile enough that it can be used for numerous other industries should students change their minds about working in the entertainment industry.

Bachelor of Arts in Journalism

As long as the entertainment industry has been around there have been journalists reporting on it as fans cannot get enough of all the behind-the-scenes action. A Bachelor of Arts in Journalism degree is great for students who want to use their communication skills to keep people informed about the entertainment industry. There are plenty of specializations within journalism, so students can focus on social media, television, public relations, or other fields that best match their interests. Some students also continue to get their master's degree, such as the Master of Arts in Specialized Journalism if they want to focus exclusively on art and entertainment.

Bachelor of Fine Arts in Visual Effects

In addition to great directors and actors, there are also many brilliant visual effects experts working behind the scenes to make movies and television shows more spectacular. A Bachelor of Fine Arts in Visual Effects is just one of the degrees that can help students learn how to create professional work for the visual effects and animation industries. In addition to the entertainment industry, a visual effects degree is also useful in the gaming, marketing, and advertising industries. Typically, students can also choose a specialization for this type of degree, such as animation, compositing, or digital modeling.


The entertainment industry is massive and the degrees listed above are some of the best for landing a high-paying job. However, there are plenty of other career options and useful degrees for working in the entertainment industry. Before committing to a degree program make sure that it can provide you with the relevant.

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