Virtual Biology Dissections

Directory of Virtual Biology Dissections

Biology > Education > Virtual Dissections

Cow's Eye Dissection
"The material presented here is meant not to replace the act of dissecting a cow's eye, but rather to enhance the experience."

The Human Brain: Dissections of the Real Brain
"The dissections in this electronic atlas can assist those students entering the field of human neuroanatomy for the first time to find out a great deal about the appearance and organization of the brain. This atlas will also serve advanced students and teachers who may lack sufficient time or opportunity for carrying out the more complex and difficult dissections."
- The Virtual Hospital

The Sheep Brain Dissection Guide
University of Scranton, Neuroscience Program

Visible Human Project
"It is creating a complete, anatomically detailed, three-dimensional representations of the male and female human body. The current phase of the project is collecting transverse CT, MRI and cryosection images of representative male and female cadavers at one millimeter intervals."
Includes an extensive collection of links to projects based upon the Visible Human data

Visible Human Server
"...a virtual anatomic construction kit on the web using the Visible Human dataset."
Features include: "Extract slices, curved surfaces, and slice animations from both datasets (male and female)" ; "Interactively navigate by slicing through the male dataset in real-time" ; "Construct 3D anatomical scenes using combinations of slices and 3D models of internal structures from the male dataset, and extract 3D animations" ; "Add voice comments to video sequences generated using the applets"
Peripheral Systems Lab (Prof. Hersch and his team), Computer Science Dept., Ecole Polytechnique FÈdÈrale de Lausanne

Virtual Frog Dissection Kit
From the Berkeley National Library

Whole Frog Project
Computer-Enhanced Science Education
"Computers can't teach everything in anatomy, but they can teach some things better, either by themselves or through synergy with conventional methods. Try out this award-winning virtual frog- as a case in point."

"This is a website for high school science students. You'll find a variety of interactive quizzes, games and puzzles to practice what you're learning in Grade 9 Science, Grade 11 Biology and Grade 12 Biology. There are also some specific student resources for each course."
By Elliot Kimmel

Online Degree Information

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