
Sciences > Astronomy > Astrophysics

Sciences > Physics > Astrophysics


Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
"The Astrophysics Data System (ADS) is a NASA-funded project whose main resource is an Abstract Service, which includes four sets of abstracts: 1) astronomy and astrophysics, containing abstracts; 2) instrumentation, containing 577,783 abstracts; 3) physics and geophysics, containing 877,721 abstracts; and 4) Los Alamos preprint server, containing 3,851 abstracts. Each dataset can be searched by author, object name (astronomy only), title, or abstract text words...In addition, we have extended the abstract service to include links to the full text of articles appearing in most of the major astronomical journals.
Largest collection of online articles and abstracts on the Internet.

Beyond Einstein
Structure and Evolution of the Universe: From the Big Bang to Black Holes
"The discoveries of Albert Einstein sparked the scientific revolution of the 20th century and rank among the greatest achievements of humanity. Recent developments show that we can now complete Einstein's legacy and, in the first decades of the 21st century, unravel the mysteries of the Universe that await us. ."
Sections include: The Science ; The Program ; What's New ; Press Room ; The Technology ; Education ; Life Cycles ; Resources ; People.
- Goddard Space Flight Center, NASA

Harvard - Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
"...a joint collaboration between the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory and the Harvard College Observatory under a single Director. The CfA's research mission is the study of the origin, evolution, and ultimate fate of the universe."

High Redshift Supernova Search
Home page of the Supernova Cosmology Project
"By observing distant, ancient exploding stars, physicists and astronomers at the U.S. Department of Energy's Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and elsewhere have determined that the universe is expanding at an accelerating rate -- an observation that implies the existence of a mysterious, self-repelling property of space first proposed by Albert Einstein, which he called the cosmological constant. This extraordinary finding has been named Science magazine's "'Breakthrough of the Year for 1998.'"
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Particle Data Group (PDG)
"The PDG is an international collaboration that reviews Particle Physics and related areas of Astrophysics, and compiles/analyzes data on particle properties. PDG products are distributed to 30,000 physicists, teachers, and other interested people.

Particle Physics Education Sites
Sections include: Education & Information ; National Laboratory Education Programs ; Women and Minorities in Physics ; Other Physics Sites ; Physics Alliance ; Accelerators at National Laboratories.

Perspectives on Plasmas - the fourth state of matter
Plasma Science and Technology
"This web site representing all aspects of plasma science and technology has been prepared as a service for the general public as well as for the educational and research communities. Our purpose is to communicate the fascination of plasma science, the vast range to ts [sic] applications, and its profound implications for 21st century science and technology as well as for daily life."
Sections include: Basics ; Applications ; Resources ; Exhibition ; Photo Gallery.

Tokamak Plasma Spectroscopy at LLNL
V Division (High-Energ-Density Physics and Astrophysics), Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

Computational Astrophysics: The Digital Demo Room
"This site is dedicated to the advancement of astrophysical knowledge through the use of computer simulations. Several simulators are available here covering various research areas in modern astronomy."

Online Degree Information

Turn your passing interest and hobby into an academic qualification by earning an online degree today. Search through our array of selected accredited schools and universities. You can also sift through available degree programs according to specific subjects and degree levels (e.g. associate, bachelor, master, doctorate)

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