Teaching Astronomy - Astronomy Educational Resources

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See also our Space History page

Science, Art & Technology
"...began as a year-long course offered by The Art Institute of Chicago to Chicago Public School science teachers interested in exploring the relationship between science and art within a museum setting... Teachers used the information provided to create written guides for museum visits with their students and lesson plans for in-class instruction. The program's overarching goal was to show science teachers that an art museum may be used as a visual library to augment and to enrich established high-school science curricula in chemistry, earth science, or physics."
Sections include: Intro to Science and Art ; Art and Astronomy ; The Chemistry and Physics of Light and Color ; Perception, Light, and Color ; Conservation: Light in the Making and Viewing of Art ; Careers in Science, Art, and Technology ; Lesson Plans ; Self-Guides ; Glossary.

Beyond Einstein
Structure and Evolution of the Universe: From the Big Bang to Black Holes
"The discoveries of Albert Einstein sparked the scientific revolution of the 20th century and rank among the greatest achievements of humanity. Recent developments show that we can now complete Einstein's legacy and, in the first decades of the 21st century, unravel the mysteries of the Universe that await us. ."
Sections include: The Science ; The Program ; What's New ; Press Room ; The Technology ; Education ; Life Cycles ; Resources ; People.
- Goddard Space Flight Center, NASA

Exploring Planets in the Classroom: Hands-on Science Activities
"More than 25 hands-on science activities are provided in classroom-ready pages for both teachers and students for exploring Earth, the planets, geology, and space sciences."

Infrared Astronomy
A fun K12 site with photo galleries, classroom activities, educational links, and much more.
Infrared Processing and Analysis Center (IPAC), California Institute of Technology, Jet Propulsion Laboratory

Hubble: A View to the Edge of Space
Sections include: Place ; Ideas ; Tools ; People ; Hubble Live
From The Exploratorium

Live from Earth and Mars
"...based at the University of Washington in Seattle and sponsored by NASA, is developing and will disseminate educational materials based on real time and retrospective Atmospheric Sciences and Space Sciences data and information."

Mission to Mars - Athena Mars Exploration Rovers
Sections include: Mission Update ; Mars For Kids ; Educators ; Mars Facts ; The Mission ; Gallery ; News.

Mars Exploration Rover Mission Home (English or Spanish)
"NASA's Spirit Rover is starting to examine its new surroundings, revealing a vast flatland well suited to the robot's unprecedented mobility and scientific toolkit."
Sections include: Mars for Kids ; Mars for Students ; Mars for Educators ; Mars for Press ; Multimedia ; Overview ; Science ; Technology ; The Mission ; Features ; Events.
- NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, CalTech.



Windows to the Universe
"Our goal is to build a site that includes a rich array of documents, including images, movies, animations, and data sets, that explore the Earth and Space sciences and the historical and cultural ties between science, exploration, and the human experience."
- University of Michigan

See also our Space History page

Online Degree Information

Earn a degree online through an accredited online college or university. Search by subject or degree level (e.g. associate, bachelor, master or doctoral) to find the top online schools offering the best degree programs and courses. Request information about your preferred education options and learn about the benefits of distance learning and online education.

This site was founded by librarian Mike Madin in 1998. After more than 20 years on the Internet, AcademicInfo has become the premier website for education and university related information and reviews.

While we do our very best to provide accurate and up-to-date information, please contact us if you find anything that is either wrong, or that you feel is missing from the site.

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