Roman Archaeology

Archaeology > Roman Archaeology

History > Ancient > Rome > Archaeology

. ROMARCH: Roman Art and Archaeology
"...the original crossroads for Web resources on the art and archaeology of Italy and the Roman provinces, ca. 1000 BC - AD 700. ROMARCH is sponsored by the Department of Classics and the Interdepartmental Program in Classical Art and Archaeology (IPCAA) at the University of Michigan, and the Department of Classics at the University of Cincinnati."
A most impressive site for academic resources

AQVILEIA - The Archaeological Site of Aquileia
"Our target is how to talk about this amazing place of Northern Italy, Aquileia and Archaeology, with the help of the new emerging technologies."
Using VRML one can Zoom in on particular parts of the images

ArcheoMedia (Italian)
La rivista archeologica italiana On-Line

Bessa Park (English, Italian, and French)
2nd century B.C. Roman Gold Mine - Protohistoric Rock Art
Sections include: Access Info ; Geology ; History ; Rock Art ; Roman Mine ; Archeo Map ; Bibliography ; Images.

Learning to Read Rome's Ruins
Online Vatican Exhibit

PBS - NOVA - Lost Roman Treasure (October 2002)
"Experts rescue priceless mosaics from an ancient city about to vanish beneath a reservoir."
Sections include: View the Mosaics ; Last-Ditch Archeology ; Remote Excavation ; Damming the Past ; Links & Books ; Teacher's Guide ; Program Transcript.

Pompeii ForumProject
"This document was released on the WWW in May 1994 and is intended to remain unchanged...There are three components to the project: documentation of standing remains; archaeological analysis; and urban study that seeks a) to interpret the developments at Pompeii in the broader context of urban history and b) to identify at Pompeii recurring patterns of urban evolution that can be applied to contemporary issues in American urbanism."

Resources for Roman Art & Archaeology
Sections include: Subject Indices ; Texts, Projects, Journals, Bibliographies ; Topics and Regions ; Archaeological Field Projects ; Associated Languages ; Atlases ; Museum Collections ; Associations, Centers & Organizations ; Course Material & Teaching Resources.
By Eric Kondratieff, University of Pennsylvania

Roma Sotterranea (Italian or English)
Sections include: Information about Underground Rome ; Technique ; Bibliography ; Service ; Map of Rome ; Explorations ; Guided Tours.

Stanford Digital Forma Urbis Romae Project
"...the test site for exploring the Forma Urbis Romae, or Severan Marble Plan of Rome. This enormous map, measuring ca. 18.10 x 13 meters (ca. 60 x 43 feet), was carved between 203-211 CE and covered an entire wall inside the Templum Pacis in Rome. It depicted the groundplan of every architectural feature in the ancient city, from large public monuments to small shops, rooms, and even staircases."
Sections include: Project ; Map ; Database ; Glossary ; Bibliography ; People ; Links.

University of Oxford - The Ashmolean Museum - (dead link)
Britain's oldest public museum

  • The Beazley Archive
    "...has more than 2000 HTML pages with more than 5000 images, an illustrated dictionary of more than 300 pages, bibliographies for classical archaeology and history of collections and illustrated programs for students about pottery, sculpture and engraved gems. All of these programs are on-going."

Unwrapped: The Mysterious World of Mummies - (dead link)
This most interesting multimedia site employs Micromedia Flash and Shockwave extensively so a high speed connection is required.


Vindolanda Tablets Online
"This online edition of the Vindolanda writing tablets, excavated from the Roman fort at Vindolanda in northern England...The website is part of the Script, Image and the Culture of Writing in the Ancient World programme."
- Centre for the Study of Ancient Documents, Oxford University.

Maintained by Mike Madin.
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