Mesoamerican Archaeology

Archaeology> Mesoamerica

Latin American Studies > Archaeology

The Ancient Limestone Quarries of Nakbe, Guatemala - (dead link)
"This document briefly describes one portion of the RAINPEG Project designed to study how the ancient Preclassic Maya quarried limestone blocks using tools of stone and wood."
By James C. Woods and Gene L. Titmus, College of Southern Idaho

Ancient Mesoamerican Civilizations
The primary groups addressed are the Maya, Mixtec, Zapotec, and Aztec. Topics include Writing Systems, Governments, and Religions.
Kevin L. Callahan, Dept. of Anthropology, University of Minnesota

Ancient Middle America
An extensive collection of resources await the visitor to this excellent course page
Tim Roufs, University of Minnesota, Duluth

Anthropology and Archaeology Pages
Sections include: Paleoanthropology ; Linguistics ; Archaeogeodesy ; Archaeology: The Andes, Mesoamerica, The Southwest, Rock Art.
Essays by James Q. Jacobs

The Archaeology of Costa Rica - (dead link)
A nice overview of the region
By Michael J. Snarskis

Archaeology of Golfito, Costa Rico - (dead link)
"It will provide access to research reports, maps, photographs, and the results of analyses of ceramics, lithics, faunal remains, botanical remains, and other cultural materials."
By John W. Hoopes, University of Kansas

Teotihuacan : The City of the Gods
"It consists of introductory pages, recent excavation reports, and an academic journal, each suited for different kinds and levels of readers."
Includes The Feathered Serpent Pyramid Pages
By Saburo Sugiyama, Dept. of Anthropology, Arizona State University,

Aztlan E-Journal - (dead link) Papers from members of the Aztlan Discussion List as well as subscription information

The Cihuat·n Archaeological Project
El Salvador's Ancient City

The Belize Postclassic Project
"The program is dedicated to understanding processes of social transformation and survival strategies of Maya populations living in northern Belize after the "collapse" of Classic period Maya city state civilizations."
Caye Coco Island (Progresso Lagoon)

Center for the Study of the First Americans
"The Center will continue with its established publication, research, and outreach programs at Texas A&M as well as initiate new projects and programs."
Sections include: Membership ; Faculty & Staff ; Facilities ; Research ; Education ; Publications ; Symposiums & Conferences ; CSFA Library ; Breaking News ; New Technology ; First American Studies ; Archaeology Trips & Digs.
- Texas A&M Dept. of Anthropology

  • Mammoth Trumpet - (dead link) (ejournal)
    " the quarterly newspaper of the Center for the Study of the First Americans. It reports on research in all sciences pertaining to the study of the peopling of North and South America."

Exploratorium: Ancient Observatories

  • ChichÈn Itz·
    Sections include: History ; Mayan Mythology ; Alignments ; Activities ; Resources ; Teacher's Guide.

GB Online's Mesoamerica
Topics include Ancient Writing, Arch. Sites, Native & Cultural Issues, Precolumbian Art, and Mesoamerican Calendar
"There is a particular emphasis here on the prehispanic writing systems found in the codices that survived the conquest and the ravages of time." Maintained by Gary Bennett

Jamaica National Heritage Trust
Sections include: Archaeology ; Organizations ; Churches ; Jamaica ; Links.

Maya Ruins Page
"I tried to use navigation paths through the photos which would reinforce spatial relationships and give a sense of place."
Barbara McKenzie

Mayan Epigraphic Database Project
"At present, MED consists of a relational database of glyphs ("gnumbers"), images, phonetic values ("pvalues"), and semantic values ("svalues") according to the consensus among various American Mayanists (MacLeod and Reents-Budet 1994). Also present is the beginning of an archive of digitally transcribed Mayan texts."
MED is owned by Raf Alvarado, Coordinator of Humanities and Social Sciences Computing at Princeton.

Mesoamerican Archaeology WWW Page
"Here you can find collected scholarly files, links, resources, software and reports relevant or interesting to Mesoamerican and Pre-Columbian Archaeology."
Maintained by Thomas B¸rglin

Mesoamerican Photo Archives
"Within these photo galleries, you will find full-color photographs of archaeological sites and museums from all over Mexico, complete with detailed captions."
Owned and maintained by David R. Hixson, a graduate student in Tulane University's Department of Anthropology

Middle American Research Institute of Tulane University
"...conducts, supports, and publishes research in the anthropology, and especially the archaeology of Mexico and Central America...You can browse through and order from MARI's on-line catalog of publications."

PBS - NOVA - Lost King of the Maya (February 2001)
Companion website to the PBS broadcast.
"The film follows the work of archeologists who are using new excavations and hieroglyphic translations to interpret the early history of Cop·n, a Classic Maya site in northern Honduras."
Sections include: Tour Cop·n with David Stuart ; Incidents of Travel ; Map of the Maya World ; Reading Maya Hieroglyphs ; Resources ; Teacher's Guide.

Rabbit in the Moon: Mayan Glyphs and Architecture
By Nancy McNelly

Resources on Aztec and Maya Law - (dead link)
Compiled by Mike Widener, Archivist/Rare Books Librarian, Tarlton Law Library, University of Texas at Austin


The Sport of Life and Death - The Mesoamerican Ballgame (Grades 6-12)
"An online journey into the ancient spectacle of athletes and gods"
Sections include: Classroom Connections ; Explore World ; Explore Game ; Experience Game ; Experience Exhibit.

Virtual Palenque
A virtual tour of the Maya ruins of Palenque, located in Chiapas, Mexico. Requires QuickTime VR plug-in, which you can download from the site.


Maintained by Mike Madin.
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