American Religion - American Religions

Directory of Online Resources for the Study of Religion in the United States

Religion Gateway > America

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Portals & General Resources

American Religious Experience
"The American Religious Experience Project encourages the development and publication of American religion manuscripts and images on the World Wide Web. The project directors welcome manuscript submissions from instructors, students, and avocational scholars that inform our understanding and appreciation of American Religions." Project directors are John Corrigan, American Studies Program, Arizona State University and Briane K. Turley, Program for Religious Studies at West Virginia University.
Includes American religion links, a Ask Hester Prynne section where undergraduates can ask questions related to American religion, student projects, regional studies, African-American studies, group and denominational studies, biographies, book reviews, Native American studies, women and religion, and American religious history.

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Center for the Study of Religion and American Culture
"The Center for the Study of Religion and American Culture is a research and public outreach institute devoted to the promotion of the understanding of the relation between religion and other features of American culture. Established in 1989, the Center is based in the School of Liberal Arts at Indiana University." Indiana University - Purdue University at Indianapolis

Hartford Institute for Religion Research
""The Institute is committed to providing research based information on the social scientific study of religion in a way that makes this research usable for religious leaders and the general public...This site, established in 1997, include up-to-date survey findings, reports on national studies of religion and venues for interactive exchange of knowledge."

The North Star: A Journal of African American Religious History
"...published exclusively on the world wide web with two primary goals. First, in association with the Afro-American Religious History group of the American Academy of Religion, it will provide information on events, new publications, research collections, and other resources in the field of African-American religious history. Second, we will present peer-reviewed articles based on historical research that explore the religious cultures of people of African descent in the United States. While our interest is primarily in North America, we will on occasion publish work from other disciplines and/or that deals in a comparative way with other areas of the African diaspora, as well as with regions in Africa."

Spirituality in Higher Education
A National Study of College Students' Search for Meaning and Purpose
"The Higher Education Research Institute (HERI) at UCLA is conducting a major new program of research to track the spiritual growth of students during their college years."

Pluralism Project
"Based at Harvard University, it is an ongoing research project studying the new religious landscape of the United States. The Project website includes an on-line version of their book, "World Religions in Boston," a database of religious centers in the U.S., links to websites of a variety of religious traditions (from Afro-Caribbean to Zoroastrianism), an ImageBase, "In the News," a religious calendar, bibliographies, and information about our CD-ROM, "On Common Ground: World Religions in America."
Ellie Pierce, Project Manager

Religious Worlds of New York Student Projects
"This page contains links to student projects from the Fall 1996 and Spring 1998 offerings of Religious Worlds of New York, a seminar-workshop that focuses on religious diversity in the city. With the support of the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, each member of the class engaged in fieldwork in a community and explored, experienced, and engaged the religious and social life of its members. Listed below are excerpts from some of the papers, information about the topics of other research projects, as well as links to various web sites."

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