Afghanistan - Afghan Resources

Country Studies > Afghanistan

Table of Contents

Reconstruction - See Below
Digital Library
Other Links & Resources
News & Media Sources
Women in Afghanistan
Taliban / bin Laden / Al-Qaeda
War on Terrorism

Afghanistan Research and Evaluation Unit (AREU)
" an independent research organisation based in Kabul. AREU's mission is to conduct high-quality research that informs and influences policy and practice. AREU also actively promotes a culture of research and learning by strengthening analytical capacity in Afghanistan and facilitating reflection and debate."

International Crisis Group - Security in Afghanistan
Sections include: Elections ; What Needs to be Done ; Background ; Analysis ; News & Other Reporting ; Documents ; Maps & Statistics ; What You Can Do ; What Crisis Group Does.

Reconstruction & Development

United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA)
"UNAMAís mandate includes promoting national reconciliation; fulfilling the tasks and responsibilities entrusted to the United Nations in the Bonn Agreement, including those related to human rights, the rule of law and gender issues, and managing all UN humanitarian, relief, recovery and reconstruction activities in Afghanistan in coordination with the Afghan Administration."

Conference on the Relationship Between State and Non-State Justice Systems in Afghanistan
December 1-14, 2006, Kabul, Afghanistan.
Project on the Role of Non-State Justice Systems in Fostering the Rule of Law in Post-Conflict Societies
"The conference brought together actors from the informal system, civil society, and the aid community, including representatives from 20 of Afghanistan's provinces."
- The Ministry of Justice of Afghanistan and the United States Institute of Peace.
__________ - Afghanistan
"Helping U.S. Companies Export"

Afghanistan Research and Evaluation Unit (AREU)
" an independent research organisation based in Kabul. AREU's mission is to conduct high-quality research that informs and influences policy and practice. AREU also actively promotes a culture of research and learning by strengthening analytical capacity in Afghanistan and facilitating reflection and debate."

Asian Development Bank (ADB)
" a multilateral development finance institution dedicated to reducing poverty in Asia and the Pacific."

Development Gateway - Afghanistan Reconstruction
"The Development Gateway puts the Internet to work for developing countries. We provide innovative Internet solutions for effective aid and e-government ñ increasing access to critical information, building local capacity and bringing partners together for positive change."

Afghan Gender Cafe
"The goal was to create a space for people to meet and talk about their experiences working on gender issues, to come together to share ideas, lessons learned and to support each other in a non-hierarchical communication space. This website is a continuation of those conversations in the form of an online cafe for networking, advocacy, activism, announcements, news and interaction...The cafe discussion forums provide a unique space to interact with others, to share ideas and information, to ask for assistance, and to tap into the collective wisdom that exists among us."

International Crisis Group - Security in Afghanistan
Sections include: Elections ; What Needs to be Done ; Background ; Analysis ; News & Other Reporting ; Documents ; Maps & Statistics ; What You Can Do ; What Crisis Group Does.

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