Physics Education - Teaching Physics Links

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PhysicsEd: Physics Education Resources
Maintained by Alan Cairns, University of Washington
An annotated listing of resources from high school to graduate level

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21st Century Problem Solving
"These Web pages provide examples of problems solved using reliable problem solving methods, discussion of the principles of reliable problem solving and an evolving encyclopedia of solved problems in mathematics, physics and chemistry. The main focus is on pre-college algebra."
By Howard C. McAllister, Dept. of Physics and Astronomy, University of Hawaii.

Accel-OneD Solver - (dead link)
"A browser-interactive resource for solving low and high speed constant acceleration problems."
- Physics & Astronomy, University of Missouri-St. Louis

American Institute of Physics

Antimatter: Mirror of the Universe - (dead link)
An entertaining introduction written for a general audience. The site includes a Kid's Corner.
By CERN, European Organization for Nuclear Research

Art Institute of Chicago Museum

  • Science, Art & Technology
    "...began as a year-long course offered by The Art Institute of Chicago to Chicago Public School science teachers interested in exploring the relationship between science and art within a museum setting... Teachers used the information provided to create written guides for museum visits with their students and lesson plans for in-class instruction. The program's overarching goal was to show science teachers that an art museum may be used as a visual library to augment and to enrich established high-school science curricula in chemistry, earth science, or physics."
    Sections include: Intro to Science and Art ; Art and Astronomy ; The Chemistry and Physics of Light and Color ; Perception, Light, and Color ; Conservation: Light in the Making and Viewing of Art ; Careers in Science, Art, and Technology ; Lesson Plans ; Self-Guides ; Glossary.

Beyond Einstein
Structure and Evolution of the Universe: From the Big Bang to Black Holes
"The discoveries of Albert Einstein sparked the scientific revolution of the 20th century and rank among the greatest achievements of humanity. Recent developments show that we can now complete Einstein's legacy and, in the first decades of the 21st century, unravel the mysteries of the Universe that await us. ."
Sections include: The Science ; The Program ; What's New ; Press Room ; The Technology ; Education ; Life Cycles ; Resources ; People.
- Goddard Space Flight Center, NASA

Biophysics Textbook Online
Sponsored by the Biophysical Society - (dead link).

Classical Electrodynamics
From a syllabus given at the Uppsala School of Engineering and the Section of Physics, Faculty of Science and Technology, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden
Includes freely downloadable course material and links to other resources

Classical Mechanics
By Robert Hawkes, Mount Allison University

Classical Mechanics Course
By Dr.Gregor M. Novak, Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI)

College Physics for Students of Biology and Chemistry
"This is a hypertextbook written for first-year undergraduate physics students."
By Kenneth R. Koehler

Commission on Crystallographic Teaching - Teaching Pamphlets
"Series 1 (1981) and 2 (1984) of the Teaching Pamphlets sponsored by the Commission on Crystallographic Teaching and published by University College Cardiff Press are now available as hyperlinked documents for private study and individual use."
International Union of Crystallography

Contemporary Physics Education Project
"...a non-profit organization of teachers, educators, and physicists located around the world. CPEP charts, brochures, web features, and classroom activities present the current understanding of the fundamental nature of matter and energy, incorporating the major research findings of recent years."

Cornell University - Laboratory for Elementary-Particle Physics (LEPP)
"The F.R. Newman Laboratory for Elementary-Particle Physics (LEPP) is a research laboratory of the Cornell University Department of Physics engaged primarily in experimental and theoretical Elementary Particle Physics (EPP) and Accelerator Physics."

  • Outreach and Education
    • From Quarks to the Cosmos: A Tour of the Physics at Wilson Laboratory - (dead link)
      "On-line visitors can take a virtual tour of Wilson Laboratory. Stops along the tour include the Cornell Electron Storage Ring, the CLEO particle detector and the Cornell High Energy Synchrotron Source."
  • Particle Physics - (dead link)
    A Brief Description by Ron Arscheene

Doing Science: An Introduction to Physical Science (etext)
"This text concerns learning the fundamentals of physical science by doing science as science is done...This manual was developed to accompany a one semester introductory physical science course, Fundamentals of Physical Science (PHS 110), at Arizona State University."
By Susan Wyckoff, Dept. of Physics & Astronomy, Arizona State University
"We created this site to be a friendly, non-technical place for you to come and "play" with the laws of physics for a while."

FORTRAN Programming for Physics and Astronomy
"A reading course to learn computer programming for scientific coursework and research...This is the Home Page for the independent study reading course in Fortran and Unix for physics and astronomy students at Vassar College."
By Eric Myers, Vassar College

Fusion - Physics of a Fundamental Energy Source
"An online interactive course for introductory physics students and teachers
Created by the Fusion Group of the Contemporary Physics Education Project

" a broad-ranging interactive physics exploration environment which is written in HTML with Javascript calculation routines. It is under continuing development by Dr. Rod Nave of the Department of Physics and Astronomy, Georgia State University. The sections on Thermodynamics , Electricity & Magnetism and Light & Vision are currently under development ... Associated with HyperPhysics is a developing set of interactive outlines of a number of the undergraduate physics courses at GSU."

Ionospheric Physics
"This tutorial discusses the basic processes involved in the space physics of the ionosphere. It is focused on explaining the nature of the waves observed by the Manastash Ridge Radar system."
University of Washington

Interactive Tutorial about Diffraction
"This is a pictorial guide to crystal structures and their Fourier transforms useful for teaching diffraction physics. The examples of structures and their Fourier transform, presented in this tutorial, have grown from courses on diffraction physics taught at the Departement of Crystallography in M¸nchen and now at the Department of Crystallography in W¸rzburg. The interactive examples were first developed for a class on scattering taught at the Physics department at Michigan State University."
By Th. Proffen and R.B. Neder

Interactive Textbook of PFP 96
University of Pennsylvania

Introduction to Physics 1
A complete intro to 1st year physics
By J.D. Jones

Introductory Physics Notes
"These notes constitute a general, non-calculus introductory physics course. They are based on lectures given through the IUN/FYDE distance education program of the University of Winnipeg."

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory - Particle Data Group (PDG)

  • The Particle Adventure
    The Fundamentals of Matter and Force
    "...interactive tour of quarks, neutrinos, antimatter, extra dimensions, dark matter, accelerators and particle detectors."
  • Particle Physics Education Sites
    Sections include: Education & Information ; National Laboratory Education Programs ; Women and Minorities in Physics ; Other Physics Sites ; Physics Alliance ; Accelerators at National Laboratories.

Light and Matter
Series of introductory physics textbooks.
"These books are meant for a one-year college physics course at either the algebra-based or the calculus-based level. Applications of calculus are treated in optional sections at the end of certain chapters."
By Benjamin Crowell, Fullerton College

Math and Physics Help Page, The
"This is a collection of papers that I have written to explain various concepts in math and physics, as well as papers generously donated by other people."
By Kenny Felder, Hoechst Celanese Professor Emeritus of Chemical Engineering at North Carolina State University.

National Academy Press (free online versions)

Net Advance of Physics - MIT
Review Articles and Tutorials in an Encyclopedic Format.

Nobel e-Museum - Physics - (dead link)

  • Nobel Prize in Physics 1903 - Marie Curie - (dead link)
    Sections include: Biography ; Swedish Nobel Stamps ; Article ; Other Resources.

Particle Physics in the UK - (dead link)
"Particle physics is the study of the fundamental constituents of matter and the forces of nature."
Sections include: What's New ; Education ; Industry ; Picture Index ; Directory ; Contents.

  • Particle Physics Picture Index - Quark Events - (dead link)

PBS - NOVA - Magnetic Storm (November 2003)
"Is the magnetic field protecting Earth from Deadly radiation about to reverse direction or even disappear?"
Sections include: Impact on Animals ; When Compasses Point South ; Gallery of Auroras ; See a Reversal ; Links & Books ; Teacher's Guide.

  • Teacher's Guide
    "To study the magnetic fields around different shapes of magnets" (Grades 5-12)

PBS - NOVA - The Elegant Universe (October - November 2003)
"Eleven dimensions, parallel universes, and a world made out of strings. It's not science fiction, it's string theory...Brian Greene explains why string theory might hold the key to unifying the four forces of nature."
Sections include: Articles & Interviews ; Slide Shows & Interactives ; Resources ; Links ; Teacher's Guide ; Watch the Program (all three hours are available for viewing online).

Physics 2000
An Interactive Journey Through Modern Physics
University of Colorado at Boulder

Physics for Free
"This site contains two free books by Emeritus Professor Frank Firk, former Chairman of the Department of Physics and Master of Trumbull College, Yale University. The first, Essential Physics 1, is an intensive introduction for potential Physics majors. The second, Introduction to Groups, Invariants & Particles, is a book for Seniors and advanced Juniors, majoring in the Physical Sciences."

The Physics Applet Collection
Virtual Library - University of Oregon

Physics Central
"The American Physical Society represents some 42,000 physicists, and most of our work centers on scientific meetings and publications-the primary ways that physicists communicate with each other. With Physics Central, we communicate the excitement and importance of physics to everyone. We invite you to visit our site every week to find out how physics is part of your world. We'll answer your questions on how things work and keep you informed with daily updates on physics in the news. We'll describe the latest research and the people who are doing it and, if you want more, where to go on the web."
Sections include: Physics in Action ; People in Physics ; Physics in Pictures ; Physics News ; Physics Links ; Dear Lou ; Writers Gallery.

Physics Central
"The American Physical Society represents some 42,000 physicists, and most of our work centers on scientific meetings and publications-the primary ways that physicists communicate with each other. With Physics Central, we communicate the excitement and importance of physics to everyone. We invite you to visit our site every week to find out how physics is part of your world. We'll answer your questions on how things work and keep you informed with daily updates on physics in the news. We'll describe the latest research and the people who are doing it and, if you want more, where to go on the web."
Sections include: Physics in Action ; People in Physics ; Physics in Pictures ; Physics News ; Physics Links ; Dear Lou ; Writers Gallery.

The Physics Classroom
A High School Physics Tutorial
" an online physics tutorial written for high school physics students. The tutorial was originally developed for physics students at Glenbrook South High School in Glenview, Illinois. Today the Tutorial pages and other original Glenbrook South resources are hosted by StudyWorks! Online."
By Tom Henderson

The Physics Connexion Problems Resource
Includes both calculus and non-calculus based problems

Physics Lessons
Sections include: General ; Motion ; Forces ; Work & Energy ; Momentum ; Electricity & Magnetism ; Waves, Light & Sound ; Modern Physics ; Nuclear Physics.
"This supports science education for students in the Ithaca City School District and the global community."

Physics of Sound
Multimedia course notes by David Worrall, Australian National University

The Physics Problems and Animation Gallery
University of Oregon Dept. of Physics

Physics Simulations - (dead link)
"This page is intended to include links to Java and Shockwave simulations from around the world."
Sections include: Measurements ; Math ; Mechanics ; Waves ; Electricity and Magnetism ; Thermodynamics ; Light and Optics ; Modern Physics ; Astronomy.

Physics Tutorials
Sections include: Remedial ; Tutorials ; Biophysics Tutor ; MathCad Exercises ; Sample Exams ; Computer Simulations.
Dept. of Physics, University of Guelph, Canada

Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory
"The U.S. Department of Energy's Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory is a Collaborative National Center for plasma and fusion science. Its primary mission is to develop the scientific understanding and the key innovations which will lead to an attractive fusion energy source."

"...brings high school students and teachers to the frontier of 21st century research that seeks to resolve some of the mysteries about the structure of matter and fundament forces of nature. QuarkNet centers are connected to high-energy physics experiements at CERN in Switzerland, at Fermilab in Illinois, at SLAC in California and others."

The Race to Build the Atomic Bomb: A Resource for Teacher's and Students
Sections include: US/Eng. Timeline ; Competition ; Exodus of Scientists ; Physics ; Those Responsible ; Research ; Lesson Plans ; Resources.
Created by Doug Prouty.

"This project will create an alliance between the Departments of Physics and Engineering at Cornell University, the Departments of Physics and Mechanical, Aerospace and Manufacturing Engineering at Syracuse University, and the Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, to develop interactive multimedia educational modules incorporating advanced scientific simulations. These will be integrated into undergraduate courses, and then into K-12 curricula, to enhance the teaching of general science courses. We will combine leading-edge technologies in high-performance computing and communications (HPCC), a high-speed network serving as a testbed for the National Information Infrastructure (NII), and advanced client/server technologies such as the World Wide Web (WWW), VRML and Java, to produce and deliver these simulations and educational modules."

Space Physics Tutorials
"San Diego Space Physics on-line interactive tutorials. The following tutorial consists of short chapters that give you a conceptual overview of the tutorial subject... Many of the modules have "hands on" interactive lessons that provide a unique learning forum for the student."

Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC)

  • Virtual Visitor Center
    "is intended for the general public, particularly students and teachers. Anyone with an interest in the science we study at Stanford Linear Accelerator Center and the tools we use in that study is invited to explore this web site -- and to visit our physical site and its real visitor center as well."
    Sections include: Accelerator ; Applications ; Detectors ; Experiments ; Glossary ; History ; Nobel ; SSRL ; Theory.

U.C. Berkeley Physics Lecture Demonstrations
"This physics WWW site is an effort to make available an on-line source of information and pictures used for preparing and performing undergraduate lecture demonstrations at the University of California Physics Department at Berkeley."

UCLA Space Physics Center

  • Education
    Sections include: Space Grant Activities ; Textbook ; Software ; Tutorials.

University of Florida Physics 2 Home Page
"...the electronic version of PHY2054, our second semester introductory physics course without calculus."

Visual Quantum Mechanics
Physics Education Group, Kansas State University's Department of Physics.

Yale Physics Olympics Homepage
"Since the Autumn of 1998, in collaboration with the University of Liverpool (U.K.), the Department of Physics at Yale University has organized an annual Physics Olympics Competition."
Includes: Photos ; Event Descriptions ; Results ; Schedule ; Participants.

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