Literary Theory

Directory of Online Resources for the Study of Comparative Literature: Literary Theory

Humanities > Comparative Literature > Literary Theory

Voice of the Shuttle - Literary Theory Page
Alan Liu, Dept. of English, Univ. of California, Santa Barbara

Baudrillard on the Web
"a list of links about and by Jean Baudrillard"
Compiled by Alan Taylor, graduate student, University of Texas, Arlington

A Bibliography of Literary Theory and Criticism
"This is a bibliography of literary studies and criticism, listing over 100,000 entries, specially focused on English-speaking authors and criticism or literary theory written in English. It includes bibliographical information on thousands of authors, critical schools and subject."
By JosÈ Angel GarcÌa Landa, Facultad de FilosofÌa y Letras; Universidad de Zaragoza

Contemporary Literary Theory [class web page]
Sections include: Material on Theory by John Lye ; Links to Other Theory Pages ; Theory Resource Pages.
By John Lye, Dept. of English, Brock University

Contemporary Philosophy, Critical Theory and Postmodern Thought
Sections include Resources ; Corollary Sites ; Readings ; People
By Martin Ryder, School of Education, University of Denver

Currents in Electronic Literacy
" an electronic journal for the scholarly discussion of issues pertaining to electronic literacy, widely construed. We seek to publish work addressing the use of electronic texts and technologies in reading, writing, teaching, and learning in fields including but not restricted to: literature (in English and in other languages), rhetoric and composition, languages (English, foreign, or ESL), communications, media studies, and education. We are especially interested in work that takes advantage of the hypertext possibilities afforded by our World Wide Web publication format, as well as in articles concerning the use of emergent electronic technologies."

Everything Postmodern
"...It has since grown to eight pages containing links to over 650 postmodern theory resources, sites, and journals..."
By Gregory Broquard

Exploring "The Waste Land"
"Part of the difficulty in understanding The Waste Land is due to Eliot's use of allusion. By taking the view that allusion is actually a different form of hyperlinking I have translated The Waste Land into a hyperlinked presentation. I have also used hyperlinks to allow ease in cross-referencing the various lines of the poem...The Exploring The Waste Land site consists of two sub-sites. One is a traditional non-framed site that consists of one window where following a link will cause the window display a new page of to show information. It is not an alternative to the framed sub-site, it presents different information. The second sub-site uses framed windows and hyperlinks to let you easily branch from one line of the poem to another. There are two frames which are always displayed and never change. One displays the full poem while another is provided for you to get help. In the other two frames or windows you can view definitions, translations, Eliot's notes, some of the original draft of the poem, some of the text that Eliot alludes to and my commentary. There are many pages allowing quick cross references (e.g., where are churches mentioned?) Instructions and hints are included (or will eventually be.) These can be accessed through the help frame"
By Richard A. Parker
Sections include: Michel Foucault ["A short biography, completed by an interview, a presentation, and bibliographies"] ; Primary Texts ; Secondary Literature ; Hyperlinks.

A Glossary of Literary Terms
"Note: Terms already in the Handbook of Rhetorical Devices have been deleted from this file."
By Robert Harris

Imperium Journal
An International Journal of Media and Postcolonial Studies
" online journal dedicated to the study of the postcolonial experience within a diverse range of contexts related to media and postcolonial studies. The rise of the two disciplines in the context of internationalisation and globalisation in the post-war cultural milieu provides the intellectual impulse for the development of the journal."

Literary History
A Guide to the Best Articles on English and American Literature on the Web
"We keep you informed about the most innovative criticism on the web and publish our own "Web Index of 19th Century English Literature," a selective list of links to the best free critical articles on Romantic and Victorian literature."
By Jan Pridmore

Literary and Cultural Theory
Includes: Fields and Schools, Theorists, Journals, & Hypertext, Cyberspace and Theory.
Classics Dept., Oxford University

Other Voices
The (e)Journal of Cultural Criticism
"...regularly publishes provocative essays, interviews, lecture transcriptions, hypermedia projects, translations and reviews in the arts and humanities; covering philosophy, literature, visual art, music, and theory in a variety of traditional and non-traditional forms."
Published by the University of Pennsylvania

Postcolonial Studies (PS)
" is intended to serve primarily as a resource for students of postcolonial literature and theory at Emory University. Another important objective, however, is to provide a site on the Web where people from around the country and around the world can come for an introduction to major topics and issues in Postcolonial Studies."
By Deepika Bahri, English Dept., Emory University

Sites of Significance for Semiotics
By Pascal Michelucci, Applied Semiotics / SÈmiotique appliquÈe, University of Toronto

The UC Irvine Critical Theory Resource

Bakhtin Centre Home Page

An Electric Journal for Cultural Studies, Rhetorics & Theories

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