Ancient Rome - Roman History

History > Ancient History > Ancient Rome

Humanities > Languages > Latin

See also our Roman Archaeology page.

A Virtual Community for Teaching and Learning Classics
"VRoma is first and foremost a community of scholars, both teachers and students, who help to create on-line resources for teaching Latin and ancient Roman culture and who use these resources in their on-line 'place,' modeled upon the ancient city of Rome, where students and instructors can interact live, hold courses and lectures, and share resources for the study of the ancient world...These extendible and customizable resources will include texts, commentaries, images, maps and other materials."

Augustine of Hippo
Sections include: Augustine's Life & Work ; Texts & Translations ; Some Commentaries ; Research Materials & Essays ; The Internet Seminar ; Images of Augustine ; Augustine & Augustinians Today.
By James J. O'Donnell, Georgetown University.

The Avalon Project at the Yale Law School

BBC History - Romans
"There are many views of the Roman way of life - from those of women, to those of the citizens of Pompeii... Find out about Roman culture in Britain, and the lasting impact of this ancient civilisation."
Sections include: The Roman Empire ; Multimiedia Zone ; Pompeii ; The Romans in Britain ; Timeline ; Roman Religion.

Bryn Mawr Electronic Resources Review
" an on-line journal for reviews of electronic resources having to do with the ancient world. Electronic resources are here taken to include Web sites and CDs. The ancient world is taken to mean primarily ancient Greece and Rome, but to describe the subject matter thus is to provide a center, not a boundary."

The Dacians - People of Ancient Times (English or Romanian)
Sections include: Dacians or Getae - people that inhabited the territory of Romania ; The Dacian State ; The Wars with the Romans (101-102, 105-106 AD) ; Dacia - Roman Province ; Civilization ; Pictures ; Links.
By Mihai Cioc‚rlie

Encyclopedia Romana
By James Grout

Forum Romanum
"Explore the Forum Romanum to experience Rome's past through its culture, religion, language, and much more."
Topics include Virtual Tour of Rome, Greek & Roman Mythology, Roman History, Roman Life, Latin Language, and Latin Literature.
By David Camden.

Hadrian's Wall
" the most important monument built by the Romans in Britain. It is the best known frontier in the entire Roman Empire and stands as a reminder of past glories of one of the world's greatest civilisations. Designated a World Heritage Site in 1987, Hadrian's Wall ranks alongside the Taj Mahal and other treasures of the great wonders of the world."

The Josephus Desktop - (dead link)
"...a web resource for information relating to the life and writings of Flavius Josephus. Josephus' four surviving works (the Jewish War, Jewish Antiquities, Autobiography, and Against Apion) provide scholars with valuable insight into Judea in the first centuries."
Major sections include: Flavius Josephus ; Masada ; Dead Sea Scrolls ; Web Resources.
By Steve Taverner, Dept. of History, University of Southampton

Museum of London
"500,000 of London's History"

Roman Gold - A Hidden Treasure - (dead link)
"Archaeologists from the Museum of London have unearthed the first hoard of gold coins from Roman London ... The hoard spanned the period from AD65-174 and incorporated coins of eight emperors and two empresses. The coins were found clustered together, but have here been arranged chronologically"

PBS - NOVA - Lost Roman Treasure (October 2002)
"Experts rescue priceless mosaics from an ancient city about to vanish beneath a reservoir."
Sections include: View the Mosaics ; Last-Ditch Archeology ; Remote Excavation ; Damming the Past ; Links & Books ; Teacher's Guide ; Program Transcript.

Resources for Roman Art & Archaeology
Sections include: Subject Indices ; Texts, Projects, Journals, Bibliographies ; Topics and Regions ; Archaeological Field Projects ; Associated Languages ; Atlases ; Museum Collections ; Associations, Centers & Organizations ; Course Material & Teaching Resources.
By Eric Kondratieff, University of Pennsylvania

The Roman Empire
Illustrated History of The Roman Empire
Main "chapters" include: The Founding ; The Kings ; The Republic ; Early Emperors ; The Decline ; The Collapse ; Constantinople ; Religion ; Society ; The Army. Also includes interactive maps of Roman Italy, The City of Rome, and The Empire.

The Roman Empire in the First Century
Sections include: The Roman Empire ; Ancient Voices ; The Social Order ; Life in Roman Times ; Timeline ; Classroom Resources.
PBS Online

Roman Gladiatorial Games
Sections include: Origins ; The Gladiator ; The Experience ; Amphitheater ; Politics ; Culture ; Venatio ; Animals ; Capital Punishment ; Bibliography
By Roger Dunkle, Brooklyn College Classics Department

Roman Law Homepage - (dead link)
"the homepage for the Roman Law branch of the Law-related Internet Project at the University of Saarbr¸cken! These pages are dedicated to Roman Law: the legal system invented by the Romans more than 2000 years ago."
Some of the site is in German.

Roman Law Resources
"This site provides information on Roman law sources and literature, the teaching of Roman law, and the persons who engage in the study of Roman law. "
Includes an international directory of historians of ancient law, and the project Justinian's Digest: Corrections to the English Translation
Maintained by Ernest Metzger, Dept. of Law, University of Aberdeen

Roman Roads in Britain (etext)

Stanford Digital Forma Urbis Romae Project
"...the test site for exploring the Forma Urbis Romae, or Severan Marble Plan of Rome. This enormous map, measuring ca. 18.10 x 13 meters (ca. 60 x 43 feet), was carved between 203-211 CE and covered an entire wall inside the Templum Pacis in Rome. It depicted the groundplan of every architectural feature in the ancient city, from large public monuments to small shops, rooms, and even staircases."
Sections include: Project ; Map ; Database ; Glossary ; Bibliography ; People ; Links.

The Tom and Nan Riley Collection of Roman Portrait Sculptures
"The Riley Collection, dating to the period when Rome was at its greatest prosperity--the first century B.C. to the third century A.D.--is especially good at introducing students and those interested in ancient Rome to the diversity of the Roman world. Ranging from patricians to plebeians, the collection includes not only emperors and senators, but also men, women, and children from all walks of life. Finally, the collection provides a unique opportunity for people to get to know Romans as individual human beings who were concerned about many of the same issues that we are: identity, status, leadership, and gender ... The Riley website is designed to be useful to students, grade six through university, their teachers, and anyone interested in the Roman empire ... The site also features Teaching Materials designed to help teachers come up with ideas for integrating the site into their own pre-existing courses."
Maintained by John Gruber-Miller, Prof. of Classics, Cornell College

Trajan's Column
"This is a site for exploring the Column of Trajan as a sculptural monument. The core of the site is a searchable database of over 500 images focusing on various aspects of the design and execution of the column's sculptural decoration. These images (slides and drawings) were generated by and for sculptor Peter Rockwell."
By The McMaster Trajan Project, 1999

University of Oxford - The Ashmolean Museum
Britain's oldest public museum

  • The Beazley Archive
    "...has more than 2000 HTML pages with more than 5000 images, an illustrated dictionary of more than 300 pages, bibliographies for classical archaeology and history of collections and illustrated programs for students about pottery, sculpture and engraved gems. All of these programs are on-going."

Windows on Italy: The History - (dead link)
A nice general overview. The history section is just one section out of this large site on Italy.

See also our Roman Archaeology page.

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