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Africa Studies > History

Social Sciences > History > Africa

"The site consists of two bibliographic databases covering Africana periodical literature (Bibliography of Africana Periodical Literature Database) and African Women's literature (African Women's Database). You will also find a comprehensive bibliography on women travelers and explorers to Africa (Women Travelers, Explorers and Missionaries to Africa: 1763-2000: A Comprehensive English Language Bibliography).
By Davis Bullwinkle

African Initiated Churches (AIC)
"These are Christian bodies in Africa that were established as a result of African initiative, rather than on the initiative of foreign missionary organisations. While most people agree on the initials, there is less agreement about what they stand for, and what the variations mean."
Southern African Missiological Society

Atlantic Monthly

BBC World Service - The Story of Africa [text and audio]
"The Story of Africa tells the history of the continent from an African perspective... Africa's top historians take a fresh look at the events and characters that have shaped the continent from the origins of humankind to the end of South African apartheid."
Sections include: Living History ; Early History ; Nile Valley ; West African Kingdoms ; The Swahili ; Traditional Religions ; Islam ; Christianity ; Slavery ; Central African Kingdoms ; Africa & Europe (1800-1914) ; Southern Africa ; Between World Wars (1914-1945) ; Independence ; Programmes.

Composers of African Descent
" The 15 new composers include Africans, African Americans and African Europeans. A brief discography gives examples of their classical recordings."
By William J. Zick

DISA - Digital Imaging Project of South Africa
" to make accessible to scholars and researchers world-wide, South African material of high socio-political interest which would otherwise be difficult to locate and use. In addition the project aims to provide experience and develop knowledge and expertise in digital imaging amongst archivists and librarians in this country ... The title of the project chosen is South Africa's Struggle for Democracy: Anti-Apartheid Periodicals, 1960-1990. It covers the three key decades in the growth of opposition to apartheid rule, a period when the African National Congress (ANC), black consciousness, and other resistance movements were very active. Approximately forty periodical titles have been selected from a very comprehensive list, with a view to presenting not only a wide spectrum of political views published during these years, but also a diversity of subjects such as trade unions, religion, health, culture, and gender. Publications reflecting both black and white viewpoints are included, and an attempt has been made to represent distinctive regional variations."
Located at Campbell Collections, University of Natal

Focus on the Slave Trade
"As European countries debate whether to apologise for the transatlantic slave trade in past centuries, BBC News Online's Tom Housden examines the enforced movement of millions."
From BBC News - Africa

General Strike, June 1961
"Statement by Nelson Mandela on behalf of the National Action Council following the stay-at-home in May 1961."

George Washington University - The National Security Archive
" independent non-governmental research institute and library located at The George Washington University in Washington, D.C. The Archive collects and publishes declassified documents acquired through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).

  • Conflicting Missions
    Secret Cuban Documents on History of Africa Involvement
    "...detailing Cuba's policy and involvement in Africa in the 1960s and 1970s. The records are a sample of dozens of internal reports, memorandum and communications obtained by Piero Gleijeses, a historian at the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies, for his new book, Conflicting Missions: Havana, Washington, and Africa, 1959-1976 (The University of North Carolina Press)."
    [George Washington University] National Security Archive Electronic Briefing Book No. 67, April 2002.
    Edited by Peter Kornbluh
  • The US and the Genocide in Rwanda 1994
    Evidence of Inaction
    Edited by William Ferroggiaro (August 20, 2001)
    "...detailing how US policymakers chose to be ìbystandersî during the genocide that decimated Rwanda in 1994."

Global Connections
" the online home to a family of sites created to help teachers, students, and the general public learn more about events around the world through readings, lesson plans, links, timelines, and maps."

  • Liberia
    "Liberia: America's Stepchild - looks at the shattered land that once had the closest relationship with the U.S. in all of Africa."

H-Net Network on Swahili Language & Culture
"The H-Swahili [e-mail discussion] network will strive to conduct its business in swahili and in English as the primary languages on topical issues related to the use, teaching, promotion and general advancement of the Swahili language and culture, which is spoken by over 100 million people throughout East, Central and parts of Southern Africa."

Hopes on the Horizon: Africa in the 1990s
"...chronicles the rise of pro-democracy movements in six African countries [Benin, Nigeria, Rwanda, Morocco, Mozambiqu, South Africa] during the 1990s."
Companion site to the PBS documentary (February 2001)
- PBS Online

International Crisis Group (ICG)

√rÏnkËrindÚ: A Journal of African Migration (ejournal)
" devoted to the study of African migration and immigration to other parts of the world."
Vol. 1- ; September 2002-

"Kenya's Definitive Internet Resource"

  • History
    Sections include: Introduction ; Early Settlements ; Invasions ; Religions, Traditions and Culture ; Pre-Colonial Governments ; Trade and Occupations ; Independence Struggle ; Independent Kenya ; Kenyan Heroes ; Kenyan People ; Contemporary Kenya.

Library of Congress Exhibitions

  • Ancient Manuscripts from the Desert of Timbuktu
    "Timbuktu, Mali, is the legendary city founded as a commercial center in West Africa nine hundred years ago. Dating from the 16th to the 18th centuries, the ancient manuscripts presented in this exhibition cover every aspect of human endeavor and are indicative of the high level of civilization attained by West Africans during the Middle Ages and provide irrefutable proof of a powerful African literary tradition. Scholars in the fields of Islamic Studies and African Studies believe that analysis of these texts will cause Islamic, West African, and World History to be reevaluated."

The Nobel Peace Prize

Rwanda - See our separate Rwanda Studies page.

The Story of Africa
"The Story of Africa tells the history of the continent from an African perspective. Africa's top historians take a fresh look at the events and characters that have shaped the continent from the origins of humankind to the end of South African apartheid."
From the BBC World Service

Society of Africanist Archaeologists
"The Society of Africanist Archaeologists is an organization of archaeologists, researchers from associated disciplines and others who share an interest in African archaeology and African societies."

  • Nyame Akuma
    Bulletin of the Society of Africanist Archaeologist

Sudan - See our separate Sudan Studies page.

United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)

  • The Slave Trade Archives Project
    "is concerned with the access to and preservation of original archive materials relating to the slave trade...The countries foreseen as participating in the project at this stage are: Angola, Benin, Brazil, Cameroon, CÙte d'Ivoire, Democratic Republic of Congo, Gabon, The Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, HaÔti, Mozambique, Nigeria, Republic of Congo, Senegal, and Togo."

University of Calgary - Applied History Research Group - Multimedia History Tutorials

  • The Islamic World to 1600
    "a multimedia introduction to the first millennium of Islamic history, developed by the Applied History Research Group. It will outline Muslim beliefs and practices, as well as the history of the Islamic world from the 7th to the 17th centuries, including the expansion of the Islamic empires of Asia, Africa, and Europe."
  • Old World Contacts
    "This tutorial focuses on the travellers of Eurasian and African history between 330 BCE and 1500 CE. It introduces students to the agents of contact: the merchants, military men, missionaries, and others who journeyed far from their homelands."

University of Chicago - Oriental Institute

Urhobo Waado
Web site of Urhobo Historical Society (Nigeria) - Serving Urhobo History and Culture

The Virtual Institute of Mambila Studies
"...seeks to collate and connect the different research and researchers with an interest in the Mambila people of the Nigeria - Cameroon borderland and their neighbours; their languages and the area in which they live."

Academic Discussion Lists

"...encourages discussion of Africa's history, culture, and African studies generally."

- Find Books on Africa
- - Search over 70,000 books and journals online.
- Kaplan TestPrep- Study Online for the GRE

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