Environment Links

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Many Environmental Studies organizations list specific online resources.

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EarthTrends : The Environmental Portal
Sections of this major resource include: Coastal and Marine Ecosystems ; Water Resources and Freshwater Ecosystems ; Climate and Atmosphere ; Population, Health and Human Well-being ; Economics, Business and the Environment ; Energy and Resources ; Biodiversity and Protected Areas ; Agriculture and Food ; Forests and Grasslands ; Environmental Governance and Institutions. Each section includes searchable databases, data tables, country profiles, maps, and features.

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Critical Ecoregions Program
"The Critical Ecoregions Program offers a practical, long-term strategy to buttress the "web of life" on Earth. Region by region, we're developing multifaceted plans for every major land and water system in the United States and Canada."
- A Sierra Club Initiative

Destination: Earth
The Official Website for NASA's Earth Science Enterprise
"...dedicated to understanding the total Earth system and the effects of humans on the global environment."

EarthTrends: The Environmental Information Portal
Sections include: Coastal and Marine Ecosystems ; Water Resources and Freshwater Ecosystems ; Climate and Atmosphere ; Population ; Economics ; Energy and Resources ; Biodiversity ; Agriculture and Food ; Forests and Grasslands ; Environmental Governance and Institutions.
--World Resources Institute

Ecological Information Network (EIN)
"...is a database of ecological experts who have volunteered to answer questions or provide input on various scientific issues. The EIN is an on-line, publicly available electronic directory of biographical and professional information regarding ecological experts."
National Biological Information Infrastructure and Ecology Society of America

"Descriptions for all ecoregions of the world are available online as either brief profiles or full reports. Photographs of the landscape and of select species are available from either. Full reports which provide detailed scientific information about each ecoregion and summarizes specific information on the location, climate, geography, common vegetation, distinctive biodiversity features (including endemic species), status, threats, and justifications for the delineation of each ecoregion. Ecoregion profiles, on the other hand, are primarily targeted towards people who want to get a snapshot of the biological importance of the region and lack the scientific information of the full reports."
World Wildlife Fund

Environmental Values Project:
A Comparative Study of Values in Environmental Policy Making in China, Japan, India, and the United States
"This multisite, multiyear collaborative research project is designed to help explain and compare values held by diverse constitutencies in each of the four countries and their role in environmental policy making...At the site, you will find: 1) Brief descriptions of the project's specific case studies, collaborating researchers and institutes. 2) Interviews with the project researchers. 3) Notifications and reports of environmental values seminars and events hosted by the Carnegie Council. 4) Links to related web sites. 5) A detailed description of the project methodology. 6) Project papers available to download in PDF format."
Description by Rachel Locke, Project Coordinator
The Carnegie Council on Ethics and International Affairs (New York)

Green Belt Movement (GBM)
"...is a grassroots non-governmental organization (NGO) based in Kenya that focuses on environmental conservation, community development and capacity building. Prof. Wangari Maathai [winner of the 2004 Nobel Peace Prize] established GBM in 1977, under the auspices of the National Council of Women of Kenya."

Invasive Species
The Nation's [U.S.] Invasive Species Information System
"...a comprehensive, online information system that facilitates access to and exchange of invasive species data and resources by researchers, scientists, land and resource managers, public and private sector agencies, and concerned citizens. Developed in accordance with Executive Order 13112 on Invasive Species, the site is guided by the Invasive Species Council."

Mojave Desert Ecosystem Program (MDEP)
"...represents the Department of Defense's (DOD) first attempt to meld together a shared scientific database that can be used to affect dynamic sustainable land management decisions...will support the continued capability of mission critical Department of Defense installations within the Mojave Desert Ecosystem to maintain military preparedness and readiness while protecting the environment."
- U.S. Department of Defense (DOD)
Includes: Geospatial Data ; Metadata ; Geomorphic Landforms ; Spatial Bibliography ; Data Links.

Population & Environment Linkages Service
"Abstracts and links to 14,199 books, reports, journal articles, newspaper articles, news analysis, maps, conference papers, datasets, slide shows, organizations, regional overviews, laws, bills, and court decisions, and much more from around the world...brings comprehensive and reliable information to researchers, students, policymakers, government officials and others around the world who are working on, or concerned about, the linkage between population growth on the environment -- a service called for in the International Conference on Population and Development (Cairo Conference) Programme of Action."

Quantitative Environmental Learning Project (QELP)
"The central goal of QELP is to promote curricular revision by linking mathematics and environmental science. For the last 3 years, Greg and Joe have taught a course that integrates college level mathematics (algebra, difference equations and statistics) with environmental issues and problems (environmental science)...We have written a series of exercises (i.e. labs) which investigate topics from environmental and earth science using introductory college-level mathematics...we will compile real data on a dozen earth and environmental science topics that can be used in conjunction with each of a dozen college level algebra topics - about 100-150 data sets altogether."
By Greg Langkamp and Joe Hull, Seattle Central Community College

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) - see

U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) see

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) - see

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