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AACTE Education Policy Clearinghouse
"This clearinghouse is designed to help people access information on education policy at the national, regional, or state level, and includes links to every state government, department of education and judicial system. In addition, there are links to hundreds of newspapers, policy centers, and associations. News items are added regularly, and individuals at AACTE member institutions can access the legislative tracking and posting aspects of the site. A limited number of policy pieces are also included as well as a user run bulletin board."
American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education

Bilingualism Database
"This database is intended for use by those interested or involved in the field of Bilingualism regardless of whether they are professionals, researchers, students or parents of bilingual children...The database can be accessed via this website, as can a number of webpages containing useful information on bilingualism. The database is drawn from resources reflecting the availability of research material from the US, the United Kingdom, Canada and Australia. We would like to add non-Western resources to this database as they become available to us."
The School of Education, The University Birmingham

International Archive of Education Data
"...the Archive will acquire, process, document, and disseminate data collected by national, state or provincial, local, and private organizations, pertaining to all levels of education in countries for which data can be made available...The data stored in this new Archive are intended to support a wide variety of comparative and longitudinal research through the preservation and sharing of data resources. The Archive seeks to serve the needs of academics, policymakers, and researchers in the field of education."
Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research, University of Michigan

MuSICA: Music & Science Information Computer Archive
"Data Base Contents: Scientific research (references & abstracts) on music as related to behavior, the brain and allied fields." Updated weekly. Also includes MuSICA Research Notes, "a newsletter issued Winter, Spring and Fall, that provides reports and critical analysis of research on music and behavior, including education, child development, psychology, cognitive sciences, neuroscience, clinical medicine, music therapy and allied fields."
Center for the Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, University of California, Irvine

Native Village
"...was created as an educational and current events resource for Native youth, teens, families, educators, and friends. We publish two weekly news editions: Native Village Drum and Native Village Youth and Education News. Each issue shares Indian news from across the Americas and is written in a condensed, easy-to-read format. Native Village libraries house links to quality learning opportunities and websites. Our archives allow you to browse past issues, and we continually update information in other areas to help you stay current with Americas' First Nations and People."

Pew Internet & American Life Project
"The Project creates original research that explores the impact of the Internet on children, families, communities, health care, schools, the work place, and civic/political life. The Pew Internet & American Life Project aims to be an authoritative source for timely information on the Internetís growth and societal impact, through research that is scrupulously impartial."

Teacher's Guide to Developing Virtual Environments: VRRV Project Support
"Your virtual environment design project promises to be challenging, time consuming, and hopefully, ultimately rewarding. This Teacher's Guide provides one way that you can undertake this project. It is neither definitive nor complete, but is intended as a practical resource from which you can draw and expand, based on your own needs."
By Kimberly Osberg, Human Interface Technology Laboratory of the Washington Technology Center, University of Washington

Turning Around Low-Performing Schools: A Guide for State and Local Leaders
"The President released the Department's Turning Around Low-Performing Schools: A Guide for State and Local Leaders, prepared in response to his directive to identify strategies and Department resources that can support fundamental change in low-performing schools."
ESEA Publication

Teacher Training Programs

Online Degree Information

Have an insatiable itch to further your education whilst boosting your earning potential? Then an online degree is what you need. Scan through hundreds of online degree programs across various degree levels (associate, bachelors, master or doctorate).

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