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The Bisbee Deportation of 1917
A University of Arizona Library Web Exhibit
"The Bisbee Deportation of 1917 was an event specific to Arizona that influenced the labor movement throughout the United States. What started as a labor dispute between copper mining companies and their workers turned into vigilante action against the allegedly nefarious activities of the Industrial Workers of the World (I.W.W.). This site is a research-based collection of primary and secondary sources for the study of the deportation of over 1,000 striking miners from Bisbee on 12 July, 1917...Materials include I.W.W. publications, personal recollections, newspaper articles, court records, government reports, correspondence, and journal articles that are part of the collections of three libraries: The University of Arizona Library, the Arizona Historical Society, Tucson, Arizona, and the Sharlot Hall Museum, Prescott, Arizona.

Chicago Anarchists on Trial : Evidence from the Haymarket Affair, 1874-1887
"This collection showcases more than 3,800 images of original manuscripts, broadsides, photographs, prints and artifacts relating to the Haymarket Affair. The violent confrontation between Chicago police and labor protesters in 1874 proved to be a pivotal setback in the struggle for American workers' rights...Of special interest and significance are the two dozen images of three-dimensional artifacts, including contemporary Chicago Police Department paraphernalia, labor banners, and an unexploded bomb casing given to juror J. H. Brayton by State's Attorney Julius Grinnell. The cornerstone is the presentation, as images and searchable text, of the transcript of the 3,200 pages of proceedings from the murder trial of State of Illinois v. August Spies, et al."
American Memory, Library of Congress

Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation

  • Historical Statistics on Banking
    "...provides annual statistical information on the banking industry beginning in 1934. These data can be used to identify and analyze long-term trends and to develop benchmarks to evaluate the current condition of the banking and thrift industries... The HSOB contains aggregated data from individual financial reports filed by FDIC-insured commercial banks and savings institutions. These aggregated data are also available for individual states, U.S. territories and U.S. possessions."

The Flint Sit-Down Strike Audio Gallery
"The Flint Sit-Down Strike website is a multi-media rich resource devoted to several purposes: 1. To provide an introduction to the sit-down strike for those students or members of the general public who are unaware of the history of this momentous event in American history. 2. To provide an immediacy and personal touch to this historical knowledge through the use of digitized audio files, which contain the actual voices of former sit-downers reminiscing about their experiences. 3. To make a site that was usable on several levels of interactivity, with information and sound files accessible through several different galleries, a Flash-generated map, a timeline, and various search functions. 4. To preserve the interviews done by Leighton etal. in a form that was relatively permanent and easily accessible."

Historical United States Census Data Browser
"The data and terminology presented in the Historical Census Browser are drawn directly from historical volumes of the U.S. Census of Population and Housing."

Medicine and Madison Avenue
"This website explores the complex relationships between modern medicine and modern advertising, or "Madison Avenue," as the latter is colloquially termed. The Medicine and Madison Avenue Project presents images and database information for approximately 600 health-related advertisements printed in newspapers and magazines. These ads illustrate the variety and evolution of marketing images from the 1910s through the 1950s. The collection represents a wide range of products such as cough and cold remedies, laxatives and indigestion aids, and vitamins and tonics, among others. In addition to the advertisements themselves, the MMA website includes historical material -- non-graphical text-only documents -- that put health-related advertising into a broader perspective."
A project of the Digital Scriptorium and the John W. Hartman Center for Sales, Advertising & Marketing History, and Special Collections Library, Duke University

Prosperity and Thrift: The Coolidge Era and the Consumer Economy, 1921-1929
"...assembles a wide array of Library of Congress source materials from the 1920s that document the widespread prosperity of the Coolidge years, the nation's transition to a mass consumer economy, and the role of government in this transition...The collection is particularly strong in advertising and mass-marketing materials and will be of special interest to those seeking to understand economic and political forces at work in the 1920s."
American Memory, Library of Congress

Records in the National Archives: Pacific Sierra Region for the Study of Labor and Business History
"One of the National Archives and Records Administration's 13 regional archives, it maintains historical records of Federal agencies in northern California, Hawaii, Nevada (except Clark County), American Samoa, and the Pacific Trust Territories."

Slavery Era Insurance Registry
"[I]nsurance policies from the slavery era have been discovered in the archives of several insurance companies, documenting insurance coverage for slaveholders for damage to or death of their slaves, issued by a predecessor insurance firm. These documents provide the first evidence of ill-gotten profits from slavery, which profits in part capitalized insurers whose successors remain in existence today." SB2199 Sec. 1(a).
Gov. Davis signed the bill into law in September 2000.
"...links to the Departmentís report to the California Legislature describing the information received from insurers in response to this statute, including the database of slave and slaveholder names and identifying information."
- California Dept. of Insurance

Traders: Voices from the Trading Post
A wonderful multimedia history of Indian traders primarily on the Navajo, Hopi, and Zuni reservations.
The highlight is their on-going collection of oral history interviews.
Cline Library Special Collections and Archives, Northern Arizona University

VOAHA: The Virtual Oral/Aural History Archive
California State University, Long Beach
"This site provides access to the full audio recordings of oral histories that have been deposited in Special Collections of the University Library - enabling you, the user, to hear the voice, pitch, and rhythm of the narrations as well as the emotions these convey. You will hear the actual spoken words of oral history narrators, rather than seeing a written version of them in the form of a transcript...Presently, more than three hundred hours of Los Angeles basin oral histories in women's, labor history and Long Beach area history are available online, including forty hours of interviews with California women who were rank and file activists in the national suffrage movement."

Working in Paterson: Occupational Heritage in an Urban Setting
"...presents 470 interview excerpts and 3882 photographs from the Working in Paterson Folklife Project of the American Folklife Center at the Library of Congress. The four-month study of occupational culture in Paterson, New Jersey, was conducted in 1994. Paterson is considered to be the cradle of the Industrial Revolution in America...The online presentation also includes interpretive essays exploring such topics as work in the African-American community, a distinctive food tradition (the Hot Texas Wiener), the ethnography of a single work place (Watson Machine International), business life along a single street in Paterson (21st Avenue), and narratives told by retired workers.
American Memory, Library of Congress

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