Chinese History

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History Gateway > Chinese History

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General Links & Resources

Asian Historical Architecture - China
Maintained by Tim Ciccone, Yunsheng Huang (UVA)

A Brief Chinese Chronology
From the Chinese Cultural Studies page at Brooklyn College.

The British Museum - Illuminating World Cultures
" a unique tool for the study of world history. A series of culture-based websites look in depth at the achievements of some of the most remarkable world civilizations. The Ancient Civilizations site itself focuses on important cross-cultural themes of human development, showing how societies have interacted and influenced one another."

Chinese Biographical Database - (dead link)
"The aim of the Chinese Biographical Database is to help develop new ways to utilize historical database materials via the internet...This database project aspires to develop a dynamic, scholarly moderated database that is not for downloading but for utilization and expansion online."
Over 2400 biographies and counting
Project Director: Marilyn A. Levine, Lewis-Clark State College

Chinese Cultural Studies
An excellent course page from Paul Halsall, Brooklyn College. It includes images, texts, notes, and a lot more

Chinese Full Text Indexes

Chinese History
An excellent Chinese genealogy site available in English or Chinese (GB, or Big5). Includes a Surname Dictionary and database of 500 surnames.

CJK-English Dictionary
"A Database of CJK Characters and Compounds Related to East Asian Cultural, Political, and Intellectual History
Chief Editor: Charles Muller, Toyo Gakuen University

Condensed China
Chinese History for Beginners
Maintained by Paul Frankenstein

Discover the Historical Architecture of Asia:
China, Japan, Korea, Thailand, & Cambodia
" online archive of Asian architectural photos. Here you can explore over a hundred-forty sites in six countries, with extensive background information and innovative 'virtual tours'."
By Tim Ciccone, Abe Ahn, and Robert D. Fiala

E-Journal on Hong Kong Cultural and Social Studies (eHKCSS)
"...the first on-line journal that is dedicated to publishing the works of graduate students working on Hong Kong, is designed as a forum for learning, sharing and dialogue...The Journal is inter-disciplinary, and works on sociology, history, literature, film studies, geography, political science, economics, cultural studies and other areas of the humanities and social sciences are welcome."

Freer Gallery Sackler Gallery - National Museum of Asian Art - Smithsonian

George Washington University - The National Security Archive

Herbert Hoover Presidential Library and Museum

  • The Eagle and the Dragon - (dead link)
    U.S. Relations with China
    "Journey through this fascinating exhibit that addresses both the recent and ancient history of China."

History of China
"The core of the following history pages is based on the history portion of the Army Area Handbook on China. Specifically, the history section was written by Rinn-Sup Shinn and Robert L. Worden."
By Leon Poon

Internet Guide for China Studies

John Fairbank Memorial Chinese History Virtual Library
Collection begins with the Qing Dynasty
By Robert Gray

Ling Lung Women's Magazine
Published in Shanghai, China, 1931-1937
"...published in the 1930s in Shanghai, China at a time when womenís role in society, at least in that sophisticated and foreign-influenced metropolis, was in rapid transition...They were hungry for gossip about the glamorous movie stars they saw in the cinema, and eager for advice about social situations which their mothers could not have dreamt of...Ling Lung, a pocket-sized, slender, and inexpensive weekly, boldly ventured to meet these new needs by encouraging women to advance toward the good life through socially high-minded entertainment."
Digitization project of the East Asian Library, Columbia University

Max Planck Institute for the History of Science (German or English)

National Library of China
In Chinese & English

Österreichische Nationalbibliothek - (dead link) (Austrian National Library)

PBS - NOVA - Secrets of Lost Empires - China Bridge
"...the companion Web site to the NOVA program "China Bridge," scheduled to rebroadcast on Tuesday, August 13, 2002. The film, which is a part of the NOVA series Secrets of Lost Empires, documents a 1999 effort by a NOVA-assembled crew of scholars and timber framers to design and build a Chinese bridge known only from an ancient painting."
Sections include: NOVA Builds a Rainbow Bridge ; Bridge the Gap (Hot Science) ; Nature's Miracle Material ; China's Age of Invention ; Resources ; Teacher's Guide.

A Sino-Western Calendar for Two Thousand Years (Chinese)

UC San Diego's Modern Chinese History Research Site
Includes a bibliography section, Current research section, and a links section.
The page is a great academic resource with site descriptions "written from the perspective of specialists in the field," and a wonderful collection of links to On-line catalogues.

University of Virginia Library - Chinese Text Initiative

  • Lienu zhuan ; Lieh Nu Chuan
    [Traditions Of Exemplary Women]
    "Compiled toward the end of the Former Han dynasty (202 B.C.- A.D. 9), Liu Xiang's (79-8 B.C.) Lienu zhuan [Traditions of Exemplary Women, hereafter abbreviated as LNZ] is the earliest extant book in the Chinese tradition solely devoted to the moral education of women."
    Introduction by Anne Kinney, Associate Professor of Chinese, University of Virginia

A Visual Sourcebook of Chinese Civilization (K12)
"The goal of this 'visual sourcebook' is to add to the material teachers can use to help their students understand Chinese history, culture, and society. It was not designed to stand alone; we assume that teachers who use it will also assign a textbook with basic information about Chinese history."
By Patricia Buckley Ebrey

Yahoo! Chinese


Bibliographies on Chinese History and Culture - (dead link)
Especially strong for the study of Chinese religious culture.
By Barend ter Haar, Prof. of Chinese History, Leiden University

Bibliography of Translations from the Chinese Buddhist Canon into Western Languages
This is a working bibliography of translations from the Chinese Canon. Generally, it is limited to translations that were done from the Chinese, or with the help of a Chinese version (in case of doubt they were included). Translations from languages other than Chinese were in principle not included or mentioned only in passim. 'Western languages' means every European language. A bibliography of translations into Japanese, Korean, Tibetan or modern Chinese, though of course desirable, does so far exceed our resources. The biggest gaps are in Chan/Zen-related texts, translations done in the last 15 years, and translations that appeared as articles."
By Marcus Bingenheimer

Women in Chinese History
By Marilyn Shea, Dept. of Psychology, University of Maine

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