Biology Links

Sciences > Biology > General Links

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Cell & Molecular Biology Online
A very useful and well organized collection of annotated links. I found the Educational Resources to be particularly helpful.
Maintained by Pamela Gannon

Scientist Central
"Biology and Biotechnology resource structured for the science researcher, education professional or science student." Topics include: Global Sites ; Eukaryotes ; Bacteria & Archaea ; Viruses ; Technical Resources ; Browse by Field.

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123 Genomics
Genomics and Bioinformatics Resources Sections include: Learning ; Databases ; Analysis ; Diseases & Disorders ; Genes & Proteins ; Population Genetics ; Molecular Pathways ; Methods & Protocols ; News ; Publications ; Courses ; Organizations ; Conferences ; Jobs ; Computer Resources ; Companies.
"...the web site provides articles by scientists, science educators, and science students on issues related to seven bioscience challenges: environment, biodiversity, genomics, biotechnology, evolution, new frontiers in science, and bioscience education.In addition, the web site provides educators with original lessons and resources to enhance bioscience teaching."
- American Institute of Biological Sciences

Amos' WWW Links Page
"This list contains almost exclusively pointers to information sources for life scientists with an interest in biological macromolecules. Links to protein sequence, 3D structure and 2D-gel analytical tools are provided on the ExPASy server, and more specifically from its Proteomics tools page. Links to Geneva and Swiss biological servers, institutes, etc. are on the Local page of ExPASy."

Association for Biology Laboratory Education (ABLE)
" promote information exchange among university and college educators actively concerned with teaching biology in a laboratory setting. The focus of ABLE is to improve the undergraduate biology laboratory experience by promoting the development and dissemination of interesting, innovative, and reliable laboratory exercises."

  • Hot Biology Web Sites
    Sections include: General Biology ; Links ; Animations ; Lab Manuals ; Suppliers ; Organizations ; On-line Journals ; Course Pages ; Digital Images

Astrobiology Web
Your Online Guide to the Living Universe

"BeanRef is a collection of external links and references from literature to different aspects of research on beans (Phaseolus and Vigna)."
Mario Nenno, Division of Cell Biology, University of Kaiserslautern

Best Information on the Net - Biology - (dead link)
A annotated collection of links from O'Keefe Library, St. Ambrose University.

Bio Netbook
Browsers, Meta-Index and Directories and can search by Resource Type, Organism or Biological Domain. The search page is In English or French but most of the information is in French. A wonderful collection of online resources and search tools.
Pasteur Institute

Resources for Molecular and Cell Biologists
"...provides access to updated life sciences news, tools for sequence analysis, journals and publishers, research institutions, biology software, and a wealth of bio-links related to molecular-cell biology and bioinformatics."
Maintained by Andrea Cabibbo

Bio-wURLd - (dead link) "BioWurld is an semi-automated collection of categorised resources (web sites) in the field of BioInformatics and Molecular Biology."
Administrators: Jean-Jack Riethoven and Rob Harper.

"...a weekly-updated gateway to the best biology and chemistry educational resources on the Web. Resources are organized under the following topics: General Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, General Biology, Biochemistry, Molecular Genetics, Teaching Science, News & Journals, Science Careers, and Free Science ClipArt."
By Dyann K. Schmidel, Ph.D.

Bioethics & Bioregulation - (dead link)
"A collection of websites, electronic journals and newspapers..."
By Cess Verhagen, Library Wageningen-UR and Gijs Kleter, Rikilt-DLO - Cloning and Genetics - (dead link)
The American Journal of Bioethics Online
Sections include: Ethical Issues ; NBAC on Cloning ; U.S. Laws ; Cloning Debate ; Cloning News ; State Law ; Cloning Basics ; Cloning & Humans ; Cloning & Animals ; Cloning & Stem Cells.

Biolinks - (dead link)
Contains an extensive catalog of resources including sections on Databases & Research Tools, Journals, Medical Sites, Medline Resources, Meetings, National Organizations, and more.

Biological Basis of Heredity
An Introduction to Basic Cell Structures Related to Genetic Inheritance
By Dr. Dennis O'Neil, Behavioral Sciences Dept., Palomar College.

Biological Web Sites - (dead link)
An extensive listing of general resources with an interesting rating system.
By Alex Leeor

Biology Online
"Biology Online is a site dedicated to providing basic to advanced information in the field of Biology, to be used free of charge to all those visiting...Search through hundreds of other biology sites all from here; Another excellent reason to bookmark the site. To date, their are over 250 unique sites listed in the engine, with more links added monthly. Alternatively, you can search by category by using the links below."

  • Biology Tutorials
  • Biology Dictionary
    "An online searchable dictionary of biology terms, over 1600 terms listed to date. The dictionary includes reference to terminology used in the tutorials and also covers terms commonly used in the biological sciences."

"BioMedNet is the website for biological medical researchers. To date there are more than 800,000 members of BioMedNet -- with more than 20,000 people joining per month! Membership to BioMedNet is free, and members can search all of BioMedNet without charge. However, viewing full-text articles from publishers often requires payment or a subscription"
Free registration required.

Bioscience Jump Sites and Directories
"A comprehensive collection of useful links for molecular biology, genetics, biotechnology, microbiology, and biochemistry."

BioScience Links
This European site includes: Bioethics ; Societies ; Databases ; Libraries ; Museums ; Online Tools ; Employment ; Organizations ; Journals ; History ; Publishers Search Engines ; Software ; Universities.

Biotelemetry Resources
Topics include: Applied Biotelemetry Projects ; Research Labs & Organizations ; Companies & Suppliers ; Instrumentation ; Manufacturing Resources ; Data Analysis ; Information Sources ; Additional Resources.
Laboratory for Applied Biotelemetry & Biotechnology, Texas A&M University

BioWurld - (dead link)
"BioWurld is a semi-automated index of resources in the fields of bioinformatics and molecular biology."
European Bioinfomatics Institute

CABI Bioscience
"...integrates four former international biological institutes, the International Institute of Biological Control (IIBC), the International Institute of Entomology (IIE), the International Institute of Parasitology (IIP) and the International Mycological Institute (IMI)."

Canada's Aquatic Environments
"An interactive educational web site to promote awareness of Canada's aquatic resources." Topics include Habitats ; Animals ; Plants ; Human Interaction ; Research in Canada.
University of Guelph

The CMS-SDSC Molecular Biology Resource - (dead link)
"This website is a compendium of electronic and Internet-accessible tools and resources for Molecular Biology, Biotechnology, Molecular Evolution, Biochemistry, and Biomolecular Modeling."

CTI Centre for Biology Resource Directory - (dead link)
"The Resource Directory contains information on software, Web pages and other resources. There are hot links to on-line reviews, software available via ftp and relevant web pages as appropriate."

Declining Amphibian Populations Task Force (DAPTF) - Home Pages
"Established in 1991, the DAPTF consists of a network of over 3,000 scientists and conservationists belonging to national and regional working groups which now cover more than 90 countries around the world. The mission of the DAPTF is to determine the nature, extent and causes of declines of amphibians throughout the world, and to promote means by which declines can be halted or reversed."

DNA Interactive
"This site is dedicated to the moment on February 1953, when Jim Watson and Francis Crick discovered the double-helical structure of DNA - and to the scientists who breathed life into that structure."
Sections include: Timeline ; Code ; Manipulation ; Genome ; Applications ; Chronicle.
- The Dolan DNA Learning Center, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

Ecological Information Network (EIN)
" a database of ecological experts who have volunteered to answer questions or provide input on various scientific issues. The EIN is an on-line, publicly available electronic directory of biographical and professional information regarding ecological experts."
National Biological Information Infrastructure and Ecology Society of America

Evolution Website - (dead link) Charles Darwin
Topics include The Man and His Legacy ; The Origin Online ; Bibliography ; Debate ; Alife ; Life on Earth ; Extinction Files ; Fossil Roadshow ; Natural Selections.
Useful for all education levels.
BBC Online - Education - (dead link)

German National Reference Centre for Ethics in the Life Sciences (German or English)
Sections include: Topics in Bioethics ; Ethics Literature Database ; Institutions & Projects ; Links ; Library.

Harvard University - Dept. of Molecular & Cellular Biology - Biology Links
Sections include: Biochemistry & Molecular Biology ; Databases ; Educational Resources ; Evolution ; Immunology ; Jobs ; Online Biological Journals & Articles ; Zebrafish Links ; Other Links.

Hawaii State Museum of Natural and Cultural History - Bishop Museum
The Internet Directory of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology
"The scientist's guide to molecular biology databases, molecular biology protocols, molecular biology journals, molecular biology news, molecular biology information, and all molecular biology resources."


Homepage for Biological Sciences - (dead link)
His listing of databases is especially extensive.
Maintained by Yuerong Zhu, University of Iowa

Institute for Systems Biology

Invasive Species
The Nation's [U.S.] Invasive Species Information System
"...a comprehensive, online information system that facilitates access to and exchange of invasive species data and resources by researchers, scientists, land and resource managers, public and private sector agencies, and concerned citizens. Developed in accordance with Executive Order 13112 on Invasive Species, the site is guided by the Invasive Species Council."

Learn Biology Online
"The site is dedicated to providing information in Biology, and providing useful information, particularly to those people who are studying Biology, as the internal pages are closely related to many school curriculums across the world for teenage students. We also hope the site is of interest to Biology enthusiasts or people simply wishing to find out more about the world."
Sections include: Cell Biology ; Genetics and Evolution ; Growth and Regulation ; Adaptation and Learning ; Biology Dictionary.

Martindale's: Bioscience Center - (dead link)
An important resource for all biological sciences, especially extensive for human biology.
By Jim Martindale

Max Planck Institute for the History of Science (German or English)

  • The Virtual Laboratory
    Essays and Resources on the Experimentalization of Life, 1830-1930
    "...a platform where historians publish and discuss their research on experimentation in the life sciences, art, and technology...The Virtual Library collects and presents texts and images concerning various aspects of the experimentalization of life, such as instruments, experiments, sites and people."

"...the largest Web site for access to medical and bioscience journals, associations, and databases with more than 17,500 active links."
From ScienceKomm

The Microbial World - (dead link)
Profiles of Microorganisms
"Profiles" of microorganisms and microbial processes.
Topics include bacteria, fungi, biological control, environmental microbiology, plant, human and animal disease. Very well organized and easy to use
Produced by Jim Deacon, Institute of Cell and Molecular Biology, University of Edinburgh

Microscopy and Imaging Resources on the WWW
Topics include Introduction to Light Microscopy ; Advanced Concepts ; Internet Resources ; Interesting & Educational ; Professional Societies.
College of Pharmacy Experimental Pathology Services Core, University of Arizona

Mindquest: Biology
"I am a full time teacher and my web resources are helpful to high school and college biology students. My website has 1200+ pages of content, including biology study guides, interactive and non-interactice (answers marked) practice quizzes and exams, interactive crossword puzzles, games, streaming videos, free science/biology clip-art for use in school reports, free Reuters news (science and also fun stuff like Rolling Stone), informative newsletter, message board for homework help, live chat, and much more."

Myosin Home Page
Sections include: Trees and Alignments ; Myosin People ; Database Accessions ; Myosin Classes ; Structures ; Myosin News ; Myosin Function ; Motility & Biochemistry.
By Myosin and Muscular Dystrophy Group - (dead link), Medical Research Council Laboratory of Molecular Biology

National Biological Information Infrastructure (NBII)
"...The NBII links diverse, high-quality biological databases, information products, and analytical tools maintained by NBII partners and other contributors in government agencies, academic institutions, non-government organizations, and private industry."

National Reference Center for Bioethics Literature (NRCBL)
"... a specialized collection of books, journals, newspaper articles, legal materials, regulations, codes, government publications, and other relevant documents concerned with issues in biomedical and professional ethics...The library holdings represent the world's largest collection related to ethical issues in medicine and biomedical research."
- Georgetown University

National Science Foundation

Natural History Museum, London, England

  • Darwin Centre - (dead link)
    "It provides world-class storage facilities for precious collections, new laboratories, and access behind the scenes for visitors."
    • Darwin Centre Live - Watch Videos Online - (dead link)
      "Presentations by scientists on-site and broadcast live online - find out what's on this month, and watch video from our archive of over 100 events."
    • Darin Centre In-Site - (dead link)
      Sections include: Keeping & Caring ; Collecting & Society ; Tools & Methods ; Specimens & Knowledge ; Discovering & Understanding.

Pasteur Institute - (dead link)
In English or French although most of the information is in French

PBS - NOVA - Mysterious Life of Caves (October 2002)
"Toxic caverns teeming with strange life-forms spark a radical new theory of how caves take shape."
Sections include: Interview and Personal Essay ; Slide Show and Interactive ; Links & Books ; Teacher's Guide ; Transcript.

PBS - NOVA - Secret of Photo 51 (April 2003)
Meet the Unsung Heroine Behind the Discovery of DNA's Double Helix.
"...unravels the mystery behind the discovery of the double helix and investigates the seminal role that Rosalind Franklin and her remarkable X-ray photograph played in one of the greatest discoveries in the history of science... The program draws on extensive interviews with surviving major participants in the DNA drama."
Sections include: Article & Interview ; Slide Shows & Interactives ; Resources ; Links & Books ; Program Transcript.

Physiome Project
" understand and describe the human organism, its physiology and pathophysiology quantitatively, and to use this understanding to improve human health. Insight will be gained also from the physiomes of other organisms, from bacteria to mammals...The Project will provide information to the worldwide community of scientists, medical health professionals, teachers, and industry in the form of functional descriptions of human and other biological systems in health and disease."
Sections include: Physiome ; Organization ; Models ; Development ; Participate ; Industry ; Publications ; Conference ; Links ; News.

Phytoplankton Ecology
"This site describes phytoplankton ecology research by marine ecologists at Mote Marine Laboratory (MML), an independent, nonprofit research organization based in Sarasota, Florida. The emphasis of MML's phytoplankton ecology research is the photophysiology of marine algae -- with recent emphasis on the ability to predict and possibly mitigate blooms of the toxic marine dinoflagellate, _Gymnodinium breve_. The no-frills phytoplankton ecology homepage describes research and offers data (maps, figures, tables) from 1998 and 1999 projects on Red Tide transects, Nutrient and chlorophyll concentrations, and Ecology and Oceanography of Harmful Algal Blooms (ECOHAB) transect data, among several others. The site also offers general information on Red Tides, Red Tide conditions in Southwest Florida, a chronology of historic Red Tide events, and links to related resources. [LXP]"
From The Scout Report for Science & Engineering, Copyright Internet Scout Project 1994-2000.

Research Collaboratory for Structural Bioinformatics RCSB)
" a non-profit consortium dedicated to improving our understanding of the function of biological systems through the study of the 3-D structure of biological macromolecules. RCSB members work cooperatively and equally through joint grants and subsequently provide free public resources and publications to assist others and further the fields of bioinformatics and biology."
Includes: Databases ; Software and Standards ; Education ; Community Service.

The Secret Life of the Brain
Companion site to the winter 2002 five-part PBS series.
"...informs viewers of exciting new information in the brain sciences, introduces the foremost researchers in the field, and utilizes dynamic visual imagery and compelling human stories to help a general audience understand otherwise difficult scientific concepts."
Sections include: History of the Brain ; 3-D Brain Anatomy ; Mind Illusions ; Scanning the Brain.
PBS Online

Soil Communities - (dead link)
"The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) in Idaho provides this electronic resource on soil communities. With introductory text, illustrations, and references, these pages provide a general overview of soil communities, including Biological Crusts, Fungi, Bacteria, Protozoa, Nematodes, and Arthropods. The site also introduces general readers to Soil Food Webs and Burrowing Mammals, with an emphasis on the western United States. A series of select links to soil-related resources rounds out the site. [LXP]"
From The Scout Report for Science & Engineering [07/05/00], Copyright Internet Scout Project 1994-2000.

U.S. Geological Survey

What is Photosynthesis
"Although seemingly simple in concept, the photosynthesis process is very complicated. Follow these links to articles that discuss photosynthesis at varying degrees of complexity."
Center for the Study of Early Events in Photosynthesis, Arizona State University

Women in Biology Internet Launch Page
"This page is a starting point for finding information about biologists who happen to be women; essentially, it is a list of bookmarks to the ample original content already available on the web. Many of the links are aimed towards women who are graduate students, postdocs, or more senior scientists, but there are also sites relevant to undergraduates or even high school students who may be contemplating a career in biology."
By S.L. Forsburg

Maintained by Mike Madin.
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This site was founded by librarian Mike Madin in 1998. After more than 20 years on the Internet, AcademicInfo has become the premier website for education and university related information and reviews.

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