Biology Image Galleries

Biology > Digital Library > Databases> Image Galleries

See also: Biochemistry Digital Library ; Botany Digital Library ; Environmental Science Digital Library ; Genetics Digital Library ; Zoology Digital Library

The Art of Botanical Illustration
An Exhibition in Special Collection, The University of Delaware
"...highlights selections from the University of Delaware's Special Collections which show the development of botanical illustration
from early printed books to the present day. The primary goal of
botanical illustration is not art, but scientific accuracy. It must
portray a plant with the precision and level of detail for it to be
recognized and distinguished from another species."
Sections include: Herbals, Travel & Exploration ; Scientific Botany ; Women Artists ; Seed Catalogs ; Modern Botanicals.
Curated by Iris Snyder

Atlas of Plant Anatomy
Sections include: Cells & Tissues ; Reproductive Structures ; Roots ; Stems ; Apical Meristems ; Leaves.
By Paul J. Schulte, University of Nevada, Las Vegas.

The BioImage Homepage
A European Initiative for a New Database of Multidimensional Biological Images.
"The BioImage Database project, funded by the European Union, is a collaboration between eight European groups. Its aim is to provide the general scientific community with a flexible and searchable database of multi-dimensional biological images."

Biosystematics and National Parasite Collection
USDA image gallery

Cyanobacterial Image Gallery
By Mark A. Schneegurt

DNA, DNA-Protein Complexes & Virus
Electron Micrograph Library
Institute for Molecular Virology, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Embryology Tutorial
"This tutorial is part of an ongoing project designed to implement multimedia and computer-based learning materials in the university undergraduate meant to supplement the presentation of standard videotape, laser video, digitized video and animation sequences in the traditional lecture period."
By Jeff Hardin, Dept. of Zoology, University of Wisconsin

Zebrafish developmental biology movies.
"An archive of time-lapse recordings and confocal images
dealing with the developmental biology of fish."
Mark Cooper, Dept. of Zoology, University of Washington


Iowa State University Entomology Image Gallery
Sections include: Beetles ; Lice ; Butterflies, Moths, and Caterpillars ; Plant Diseases and Damage ; Cicadas and Leafhoppers ; Plants ; Flies and Mosquitoes ; Ticks ; Grasshoppers and Crickets ; True Bugs.

MicroAngela's Electron Microscope Image Gallery
"Come explore familiar and unexpected views of the microscopic world with these colorized images from electron microscopes at the University of Hawaii."

Microscopy and Imaging Resources on the WWW
Topics include Introduction to Light Microscopy ; Advanced Concepts ; Internet Resources ; Interesting & Educational ; Professional Societies.
- College of Pharmacy Experimental Pathology Services Core, University of Arizona

Noble Foundation Plant Image Gallery
"...designed to assist botanists, ecologists, and natural resource managers with the identification of plants. It should also prove useful to educators in the classroom as well as students who are required to learn plants as a part of their studies."

The Online Macromolecular Museum (OMM)
" a site for the display and study of macromolecules. Macromolecular structures, as discovered by crystallographic or NMR methods, are scientific objects in much the same sense as fossil bones or dried specimens: they can be archived, studied, and displayed in aesthetically pleasing, educational exhibits...The OMM's exhibits are interactive tutorials on individual molecules in which hypertextual explanations of important biochemical features are linked to illustrative renderings of the molecule at hand."

Time-lapse photography of plants growing and changing.
Movie Categories include: Germination ; Photomorphogenesis ; Tropisms ; Nastic Movements ; Circadian Responses ; General Growth ; Flowers ; Cellular Responses.
By Roger P. Hangarter, Dept. of Biology, Indiana University

University of Florida - Center for Aquatic and Invasive Plants
7000 pages of information and resources.
Sections include: Plant Information & Images ; Meetings and Books ; Prohibited Plant Laws and Lists ; Online Books & Articles ; Plant Manuals, Field Guides and Textbooks ; Biological Control Insects.

Vascular Plants Image Gallery
Bioinformatics Working Group, Texas A&M University

Virtual Cell
" a collection of still images, texts and movies covering the structure and functioning of a typical plant cell."
By Matej Lexa

Visible Human Project
"It is creating a complete, anatomically detailed, three-dimensional representations of the male and female human body. The current phase of the project is collecting transverse CT, MRI and cryosection images of representative male and female cadavers at one millimeter intervals."
Includes an extensive collection of links to projects based upon the Visible Human data

A Web Atlas of Cellular Structures Using Light and Confocal Microscopy
"This web site displays a series of light and confocal micrographs illustrating a variety of subcellular structures and organelles. We hope to provide a useful educational resource for people interested in cytology who do not have access to advanced imaging technologies or cell biological expertise...We have employed a cultured epithelial cell line, CV1-monkey kidney cells, for these experiments and stained for such organelles as the Golgi apparatus, the endoplasmic reticulum, nucleus, mitochondria, and several cytoskeletal elements
By Sheela Konda, Steve Rogers, and Daniel E. Weber
Imaging Technology Group, University of Illinois

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