Christianity in America

Directory of Online Resources for the Study of Christianity in the United States.
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*See also our Law - Church & State page.

Journal of Religion and Society
"...has been established to promote the cross-disciplinary study of religion and its diverse social dimensions through the publication of research articles, essays and opinions, review articles, and book reviews."

Catholic Bible Association of America
"The purpose of the Catholic Biblical Association is to promote, within a context of faith, scholarly study in Scripture and related fields by meetings of the association, publications, and support to those engaged in such studies"

Early Virginia Religious Petitions
"...presents images of 423 petitions submitted to the Virginia legislature between 1774 and 1802 from more than eighty counties and cities. Drawn from the Library of Virginia's Legislative Petitions collection, the petitions concern such topics as the historic debate over the separation of church and state championed by James Madison and Thomas Jefferson, the rights of dissenters such as Quakers and Baptists, the sale and division of property in the established church, and the dissolution of unpopular vestries."
American Memory, Library of Congress

Hartford Institute for Religion Research
""The Institute is committed to providing research based information on the social scientific study of religion in a way that makes this research usable for religious leaders and the general public...This site, established in 1997, include up-to-date survey findings, reports on national studies of religion and venues for interactive exchange of knowledge."

Journal of Religion and Society
"...has been established to promote the cross-disciplinary study of religion and its diverse social dimensions through the publication of research articles, essays and opinions, review articles, and book reviews."

Restoration Serials Index
"A Christian College Librarians Publication. A computer-produced author/subject index to periodicals and lectureships by members of the church of Christ. Thirty-nine librarians from 17 institutions have contributed indexing."
- Abilene Christian University

Spirituality in Higher Education
A National Study of College Students' Search for Meaning and Purpose
"The Higher Education Research Institute (HERI) at UCLA is conducting a major new program of research to track the spiritual growth of students during their college years."

Sunday School Books: Shaping the Values of Youth in Nineteenth-Century America
"This collection presents 163 Sunday school books published in America between 1815 and 1745, drawn from the collections of Michigan State University Libraries and the Clarke Historical Library at Central Michigan University Libraries. They document the culture of religious instruction of youth in America during the Antebellum era. They also illustrate a number of thematic divisions that preoccupied nineteenth-century America, including sacred and secular, natural and divine, civilized and savage, rural and industrial, adult and child. Among the topics featured are history, holidays, slavery, African Americans, Native Americans, travel and missionary accounts, death and dying, poverty, temperance, immigrants, and advice."
- American Memory, Library of Congress

University of Pennsylvania - Program for Research on Religion and Urban Civil Society
"...dedicated to exploring ìthe role of religion in contemporary urban America,î including but not limited to, 'how local congregations, grassroots ministries, and other communities of faith matter in the daily lives of disadvantaged children, youth, and families.'"

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Mormons)

Trails to Utah and the Pacific: Diaries and Letters, 1846-1749
"...incorporates 49 diaries, in 59 volumes, of pioneers trekking westward across America to Utah, Montana, and the Pacific between 1847 and the meeting of the rails in 1749. In addition to the diaries, the collection includes 43 maps, 82 photographs and illustrations, and 7 published guides for immigrants...The collection tells the stories of Mormon pioneer families and others who were part of the national westering movement, sharing trail experiences common to hundreds of thousands of westward migrants
- American Memory, Library of Congress

Documents of the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod
Includes: Convention Proceedings ; Doctrinal Statements ; Reports of the Commission on Theology and Church Relations (CTRC) ; Documents of the Council of Presidents.
From Project Wittenberg and Reverend Bob Smith.

Journal of Lutheran Ethics (JLE)
" an online publication dedicated to promoting awareness of, study of, and conversation about Christian ethics in the Lutheran tradition. It is a free, interactive journal for all who are interested in Lutheran ethics, both in the United States and around the world. A bridge between the academic study of Christian ethics and the contemporary life of the Church, JLE is a meeting place for scholars and professors, seminary and college students, pastors and bishops, and theologically informed lay leaders."


Mennonite / Amish

Mennonite Connections on the WWW
"A catalogue of Mennonite and Amish resources on the Internet"
By Bradley P. Lehman

Mormons - see Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints

"...offered updated news, letters and analysis pertaining to the events in the Greek Orthodox Church in America between June of 1997 and October of 1999. The Greek word voithia, when used in the services of the Church, refers to seeking God's help ... The 3,000+ articles published in Voithia date from 1970 and lend perspective on the historic dynamics of the American Greek Orthodox Church from the time of Archbishop Iakovos, to Archbishop Spyridon and ending with the installation of Archbishop Demetrios."

American Friends Service Committee
"Founded by Quakers in 1917 to provide conscientious objectors with an opportunity to aid civilian war victims, AFSC's work attracts the support and partnership of people of many races, religions, and cultures."

Friends Committee on National Legislation
"...a [U.S.] Quaker lobby in the public interest. FCNL seeks to bring the concerns, experiences and testimonies of the Religious Society of Friends to bear on policy decisions in the nation's capital."

Magill Library Quaker Collection, Haverford College
"There are more than 32,000 printed titles on the shelves, not including thousands of pamphlets, clippings and other ephemeral material. In addition, there are over 250,000 Quaker items in the manuscript collection."



Unitarian Universalist Association
A nice introduction to the UUA. Especially useful is the UU's Online section with a bulletin board, chat, newsgroups, newsletters, links to other sites and search engine. Also included is Interconnections, their online magazine for Unitarian Universalist leaders and another area called 'The Minister's Study' which has guest columns from UU ministers. Other sections include an extensive listing of services, communication, and links to international associations


Notable American Unitarians
"This online project of the First Parish and the First Church in Cambridge (Unitarian Universalist) is based on research concerning some representative women and men who made significant contributions to life in the quarter-century 1936-1961. This period runs from the time of a report, Unitarians Face a New Age, to the beginning of the Unitarian Universalist Association."


United Church of Christ

Institute for the Study of American Evangelicals
"The Institute was established to encourage and support research on evangelical Christianity in the United States and Canada. Located at Wheaton College in Wheaton, IL, the ISAE seeks to help evangelicals develop a mature understanding of their own heritage and to inform others about evangelicals' historical significance and contemporary role."
Includes sections on their current projects, highlights from Evangelical Studies Bulletin, and links to other resources.

Sunday School Books: Shaping the Values of Youth in Nineteenth-Century America
"This collection presents 163 Sunday school books published in America between 1815 and 1745, drawn from the collections of Michigan State University Libraries and the Clarke Historical Library at Central Michigan University Libraries. They document the culture of religious instruction of youth in America during the Antebellum era. They also illustrate a number of thematic divisions that preoccupied nineteenth-century America, including sacred and secular, natural and divine, civilized and savage, rural and industrial, adult and child. Among the topics featured are history, holidays, slavery, African Americans, Native Americans, travel and missionary accounts, death and dying, poverty, temperance, immigrants, and advice."
- American Memory, Library of Congress

Online Degree Information

Short on time, but big on career aspirations? Then earning an online degree is what you need. Getting a degree online is time and cost effective, whilst presenting you with the option to choose your discipline according to the degree level (e.g associate, bachelor, master, doctorate) or subject of your choice.

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