Agriculture Digital Library

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Digital Library > Agriculture

AGORA - Access to Global Online Research in Agriculture (English, French, Spanish)
"The AGORA site provides access to over 500 journals from major scientific publishers in the fields of food, agriculture, environmental science and related social sciences. AGORA is available to students and researchers in qualifying not-for-profit institutions in eligible developing countries."

The Fournal of Agrobiotechnology Management & Economics

AgEcon Search
Research in Agricultural and Applied Economics
"A Full Text Library of Agricultural and Applied Economics Scholarly Literature"
"...collects, indexes, and electronically distributes full text copies of scholarly research in the broadly defined field of agricultural economics including sub disciplines such as agribusiness, food supply, natural resource economics, environmental economics, policy issues, agricultural trade, and economic development."
Maintained at the University of Minnesota by Magrath Library and the Department of Applied Economics.

Agricultural Biotechnology and the Poor
Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) publication

Agricultural Science and Technology Indicators (ASTI)
"...compiles, processes, and makes available internationally comparable data on institutional developments and investments in agricultural R&D worldwide, and analyzes and reports on these trends in the form of occasional policy digests for research policy formulation and priority setting purposes. The project involves a large amount of original and ongoing survey work focused on developing countries, but also maintains access to relevant data for developed countries produced by the OECD Science and Technology Indicators unit, the U.S. National Science Foundation, and other similar agencies."
Sections include: ASTI Databases ; Country Profiles ; Publications.
From CGIAR - Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research

Beyond Discovery
The Path from Research to Human Benefit
" a series of articles that trace the origins of important recent technological and medical advances. Each story reveals the crucial role played by basic science, the applications of which could not have been anticipated at the time the original research was conducted."
Subjects include: Agriculture ; Biology ; Chemistry ; Earth Sciences ; Environmental Issues ; Health ; Mathematics ; Physics ; Technology.

CGIAR online
Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research
"The CGIAR's research agenda focuses on both strategic and applied research. This agenda includes the entire range of problems affecting agricultural productivity and links these problems to broader concerns about poverty reduction, sustainable management of natural resources, protection of biodiversity, and rural development. More than 8,500 CGIAR scientists and scientific staff conduct research to improve the productivity of tropical agriculture. This research focuses on higher-yielding food crops and more productive livestock, fish, and trees; improved farming systems that are environmentally benign; better policies; and enhanced scientific capacities in developing countries."

The Core Historical Literature of Agriculture (CHLA)
" a core electronic collection of agricultural texts published between the early nineteenth century and the middle to late twentieth century. Full-text materials cover agricultural economics, agricultural engineering, animal science, crops and their protection, food science, forestry, human nutrition, rural sociology, and soil science. Scholars have selected the titles in this collectionfor their historical importance. Their evaluations and 4,500 core titles are detailed in the seven volume series The Literature of the Agricultural Sciences, Wallace C. Olsen, series editor."
Albert R. Mann Library, Cornell University

Evolution of Crop Plants
An excellent course page by Paul Gepts, UC, Davis with online images and lecture notes

Historical Publications of the Agricultural Experiment Station
Kansas State University
"...They are included here as a matter of historical interest. The Agricultural Experiment Station published hundreds of circulars, bulletins, and other publications (for a total of more than 24,000 pages) before 1946."


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