African American History Museums, Libraries, and Print Archives - Acdaemic Info

U.S. History > African American History> Museums

Museums & Exhibits

Association African American Museums

African-American Museum in Philadelphia

American Museum of Photography

The Anacostia Museum and Center for African American History and Culture, - Smithsonian Institution

California African-American Museum

Charlotte Hawkins Brown Memorial
"Full history of famous African American educator Charlotte Hawkins Brown, and her pioneering school for African Americans."

Images of African Americans from the 19th Century
A Selection of Visual Resources
"...document the social, political and cultural life worlds of African-American people from slavery to various stages of quasi freedom."
Digital Schomburg
New York Public Library Digital Library Collections

Jim Crow Museum: Of Racist Memorabilia
"...a 4,000-piece collection of racist artifacts gathered, catalogued and donated by Dr. David Pilgrim, professor of Sociology at the University. Pilgrim is the founder and curator of the fledgling museum."
- Ferris State University

Museum of African American History

Slave Relic Museum
Walterboro, South Carolina
" dedicated to documenting, preserving, interpreting, and celebrating the history and culture of peoples of African descent. Though victimized, exploited and oppressed, enslaved Africans in the Americas were active, creative agents in the making of their own history, culture, and political future. The Slave Relic Museum exhibits actual artifacts that were made and used by enslaved Africans from 1750 to the mid 1800's."

Troy University - Rosa Parks Library and Museum

Uncle Tom's Cabin Historic Site (Ontario, Canada)
"...commemorates the life of Reverend Josiah Henson and his contributions to the famous Underground Railroad. It was Henson's life experiences that inspired Ms. Stowe's creation of the character Uncle Tom in her 1852 outcry against slavery."

Third Person, First Person
Slave Voices From the Duke University Special Collections Library
"...based on the catalog of an exhibit mounted at Perkins Library, Duke University, in November and December, 1995. Some of the items described here were too large or fragile to be scanned, so images of them were not included in the on-line version even though descriptions of the items are."

Libraries, Centers, Institutes & Print Archives

African-American Collections in the Milwaukee Urban Archives
"The descriptions are intended only to provide a general idea of what is in the collection, not a comprehensive listing of the contents.

Association for the Study of African American Life and History

Black Archives of Mid-America
" the largest depository of artifacts documenting the African American experience in the four-state area of Missouri, Kansas, Iowa, and Oklahoma. Approximately 1,700 cubic feet of materials have been collected and cataloged. Archival presentations include diaries and personal documents, local written histories, African American newspapers, and records from churches, clubs, societies, and businesses."

Cornell University, John Henrik Clarke Africana Library
"...contains valuable primary source materials, including copies of rare monographs, manuscripts, newspapers, and journal publications on microfilm and microfiche. Those resources focus on especially important material on the American civil rights and Black Power movements."

Dorothy Porter Wesley (1905-1995) Research Center

Freedmen and Southern Society Project
"Drawing upon the rich resources of the National Archives of the United States, the project's editors pored over millions of documents, selecting some 50,000. They are presently transcribing, organizing, and annotating them to explain how black people traversed the bloody ground from slavery to freedom between the beginning of the Civil War in 1741 and the beginning of Radical Reconstruction in 1747. The documents vividly speak for themselves, and interpretive essays by the editors provide historical context."
An overview of each print volume with sample documents available online

Harvard University - W.E.B. Du Bois Institute for Afro-American Research
" the nation's oldest research center dedicated to the study of the history, culture, and social institutions of African Americans. Founded in 1975, the Institute serves as the site for research projects, fellowships for emerging and established scholars, publications, conferences, and Working Groups."

Indiana University, Black Film Center/Archive

Kansas City Pubic Library - African American Resources

New York Public - Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture

  • The African Presence in the Americas: 1492-1992
    "...originated as an exhibitin [sic] at the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, in 1991, co-curated by Miriam Jimenez, Zita Nunes and Howard Dodson. An exhibition portfolio based on the exhibition was compiled by Nashormeh N. R. Lindo and designed by Kenneth McFarlin in 1992. The teachers' guide was produced by New York City Public School teachers who participated in a summer institute conducted by the Schomburg Center in 1992."

Troy University - Rosa Parks Library and Museum

UCLA Center for African American Studies


University of Georgia Institute for African American Studies

Virginia Commonwealth University Libraries - Online Exhibits

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